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~I don't play when it comes to my heart~


Silver dropped her glass of wine as she hugged Nelly tight.

" Is she drunk? ". Nelly held her friend directing her questions to Hannah.

" I think so ". Hannah muttered.

" You think so?!! ". Nelly raised her voice and thought twice,she held her bestfriend to the chair.

" Why did you drink Silver,you're in public for crying out loud,what if your Dad comes to pay you a visit,Is this how you work?? ". She raised her voice a little and she loved it..

The moment of superiority.

" Shut up! ". Silver rubbed her temple as Nelly swallowed hard scared of her bestfriend reaction.

Silver kissed her teeth, sniffed and then burst into tears," This stupid personal assistant of mine,do you know what she gave me? ".

" What?! ". Nelly looked back and forth between her bestfriend and Hannah,Silver handed her an envelope as she opened it.

" DOUGLAS IS GETTING MARRIED!?". Nelly shrieked.

Silver laughed," What's there to distinguish men from beast,I gave him my everything,I loved him  wholeheartedly ". She ran her hands through her silky human hair.

" We were going to get married". She sniffed and continued," I forgave him when he cheated on me".

" Excuse us ". Nelly told Hannah.

Hannah nodded and left but curiosity got the best of her and she stood by the door eavesdropping.

" Douglas is getting married to Kate?? ". Nelly was astonished.

Silver cleaned her tears," He didn't love me then,I had this tiny hope that maybe, just maybe he'd be back,I was going to forgive him and keep on loving him but instead of an apology card or something,he sent me an invitation card to his wedding". The tears came pouring again.

Nelly patted her back.

" You know what?? ". Silver stood up staggering.

" Careful Silver". Nelly held her friend.

" I'm going home and we are going to the club this night andddd we are attending the wedding this Saturday ". She picked her bag," Also tell Hannah to dm TatianaEmpire we are wearing the best to his wedding,all of us! ". She walked out as Hannah rushed in.

" Is Miss Silver okay? ".

" I'm afraid not and am in charge now,get me the schedule for today ". Nelly ordered as Hannah nodded and left.

Nelly crossed her legs on the chair and smiled whispering 'Miss Nelly Cokers '.

Leo loosened the top button of his shirt as his eyes spotted Darasimi Pius in white reading a magazine.

" Hello beautiful, sorry for keeping you waiting". He apologized.

" So charming ". She removed her shades smiling. " Please sit ".

" Have you ordered yet? ".

" Yes not quite long ". She replied.

" Okay have you been? ".

" Busy... thinking about our future together Leo Cokers".

" And how does it look? ". Leo leaned on the chair his eyes not leaving her.

Darasimi laughed closing the magazine," Beautiful..... Beautiful chaotic ".

Leo chuckled," And by beautiful chaotic,you mean? ".

" A match made in hell,we can't be together! ". Her face demeanor changed to a frown.

Leo nodded kissing his teeth," Then j suppose you should be talking to your parents not me,I can't do anything".

" You can ". Darasimi said her eyes pleading with him," Just say it,tell them you don't love me".

" You can also say it Dara, say you don't love me ".

" I don't love you! ". She almost screamed.

" No not to me to your parents ". Leo said staring at Darasimi.

" Wow...Do you love me? ".

" Absolutely not". He chuckled," But I'm willing to try,such things do work out Dara ".

" But I can't love you ".

" Why? Aren't I good enough? ". He asked.

" Of course you are Leo ".

" Then you should try and love me as I'll do the same ". Leo sat up," Text me earlier next time,I'll prepare a perfect date for you or text me if you've told them that you can't get acquainted with me ". He stood up.

" Please excuse me I have to be somewhere". He said leaving.

" Have you loved someone before? ". Dara shouted as he paused,she stood up.

" Do you know what it feels when your parents can't stand the one you love?,do you know how scary the world looks when you and your lover hands are together?,do you have any idea what it feels when your lover isn't picking because you're scared your father is out there for his life!...Do you know what it feels like when you keep on assuring love to each other and it's like fate is mocking y'all...Do you Damilare Coker? ".

He turned to face her.

" Honestly,I do not but one thing is that if you can change fate again,why won't you give it a try,if you're so scared of the one you love and you're scared of telling your parents that,how do you want to be together??
I've given my word Darasimi,I'll help you reunite with the one you love but you have to tell your parents that you're in love with Someone else,I'm afraid but right now I'm powerless ".

" So you'll be happy with me?, because by the look of things it seems like we are both cowards because we can't tell our parents the truth but what makes us slightly different is that I am in love with someone and then you're not and maybe I'll stick around till then,till you love someone and maybe you'll know just how powerful we can be to end this absurd marriage but till then you can love me, you're welcome ". Darasimi walked out as Leo took a deep breath and walked away.

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Is Darasimi right??..
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