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~I no dey fake am,it's my lifestyle ~

Chapter one.

There was no bright breakfast in the Cokers mansion unless it was filled with relatives and true family and that was the air today. Granny Kenny hummed a gospel music as she stirred her delicious soup,maids hovered around the eighty four years old grandmother who has refused to sit down and watch the news like most old mothers do,she was a widow but never felt so lonely because of her family members.

" Maami E kaaro ". Adesuwa Coker,her daughter-in-law greeted.

" Get the kids down for breakfast,you know my grandkids are just like my son,business here and there ". She said as Adesuwa chuckled.

" I'll get all of them ". She quickly left the kitchen as Granny Kenny smiled and turned her attention back to her soup.

Minutes later,they were all gathered at the dining as Adesuwa dished out the foods on the various dishes as a loud laughter erupted on the table,they all turned to Bisayo popularly called Bibi,she was the daughter of Tunji Coker,the junior brother to Dare Coker who was the owner of the house.

Unfortunately,Tunji Coker and his wife gave birth to twins Bisayo and Ayomide but they lost their son Ayomide a year ago leaving only Bisayo,her parents were not in the country so she was staying with her cousins. The 18 years old girl was sent to Private university but got kicked out,she refused to enter another private university so she was currently waiting for admission and was also known as the nuisance in the Cokers.

" Bisayo,how many times do I have to tell you to drop your phones during breakfast?! ". Adesuwa warned.

" And they say we eat healthy ". Bibi muttered as Leo chuckled,he knew that she was talking about the way his mother Adesuwa yelled on top of the meal.

Adesuwa Coker gave birth to two kids Simisola and Damilare,who were popularly known by their English names Silver and Leo.

" You're not encouraging her ". Adesuwa told her son as Leo kept quiet.

" Drop the phone! ". Simisola commanded.

" Geez Calm down,it's just a phone ". Bibi rolled her eyes dropping the phone as she put her airpods in her ear.

" Bisayo remove......

" Let her be Mom,she'll walk away from the dining if she gets corrected again ". Leo said.

" I wonder how she's so disrespectful,I mean Ayomide would never do such!...such nuisance! ". Adesuwa sat down after the meals were set.

" I'll pray ". Simisola grinned as they all closed their eyes except Bibi who just stared at them.

" Dear Lord,we thank you for the grace to be able to eat as a family,we thank you for the smiles on our faces and we hope the light in our lives will never burn out ". She concluded as they chorused 'AMEN'.

" Oh God Mama,this is delicious! ". Simisola sighed after taking a spoonful of the meal.

" My mother remains the best cook ". Dare Coker,the healthy fifty two years old man said.

" And me? ". Adesuwa joked.

" Well,you and mama meals are setting my taste buds on fire ". Dare joked around as Bibi scoffed.

" Well,no one can beat my younger brother at that cooking thing,he's the best ". Simisola bragged as Leo laughed.

" And aren't you suppose to be better than him? ". Her mom asked.

" No mother,I've said before,women are not the only ones that should cook ".

" You sound like Solomon Buchi on Instagram ". Bibi responded.

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