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~ I just wanna run away ,find somewhere that feels safe~

Chapter two.

Rat squeaked running round trying to take the pieces of the leftover on the floor but when Kimberly turned,they ran away,her hair fell on her face as she frowned.

" Please tell me it's not rat on my face ". She muttered to herself as she touched her face slowly,she sighed in relief when she found out it was her hair,she laid comfortably on the foam as she tried to recall Last night event,it was her childhood friend birthday,Dominic Rita. It was hot as usual,she smiled when she remembered the guy she kissed last night.

" I don't even remember his face ". She sat up that's when she felt the pounding headache.

" Hangover is a bitch! ". She groaned and laid on the bed back.

Minutes later,there was a loud bang on the door.

" Who's that? ". She asked.

" Oluomachukwu!..Open that door ".

She rolled her eyes ignoring her mother.

" If you don't open that door,you'll not like what will happen next! ". Her mother threatened her.

" Mom am having headache,please let's talk later ".

" You'll hear from me ". She heard her mother steps.

She stood up grudgingly as she opened the door walking to the parlor.

"  Where were you last night? ". Her mother asked.

" Rita's birthday party ". She answered opening a bottle water from the freezer.

" So,birthday party is at night okwaya? ". Her mother sighed," What's your problem this girl?,I did not kill my mother so please don't kill me.... ".

Kimberly sighed still drinking the water as her mother kept on calling her names.

" Mom good morning ". Her elder sister Adaugo but popularly known as Hannah by friends.

" My dear,how are you? ". Her mother turned to her precious daughter.

" Where are you dressed to looking like a school bus aunty ". Kimberly joked.

" Well Sister,Am going out to hustle you know?,get things we could survive on and build hope for the future and I'll rather look like a school bus aunty than look like a drug addict! ". Hannah fired.

" Drug addict? ". Kimberly scoffed," Guess what bitch?,at least am qualified to be a drug addict but take a look at you,never have you gotten the job you wanted ".

" Mechionu! ". Her mother interrupted the boiling quarell.

" That's the only thing you know how to do,open your mouth and mock other people,where have you been to with all the thing you're carrying on your head,all the piercing and tatoo? Was it not last year that the school kicked you out for bad result! ". Her mother said as Kimberly chuckled.

" Why were you shouting my name mom because since I came out from the room,you haven't said any reasonable thing ". Kim said.

" Do not speak to Mom like that,she was waking you up so that you'll fix your life,all the times God gave you life to see another day,why don't you quit smoking and praise him for once instead of being useless and occupying space claiming it was Dad's death that made you what you are! ".

Frustrated Kimberly splashed the bottle on her face.

" Go and fuck yourself! ". Kimberly walked back to her room slamming the door.

" You'll never listen to the truth but Dad was also my father and if I as the elder daughter can pick myself up after such hard fall so can you,so don't keep on blaming Dad for your miserable life,move the fuck on! ". Hannah banged her door before she walked out of the house.

Kimberly knelt to the floor sobbing as hard as she could,the thoughts that were running through her mind was how dare Hannah insult her like that,was it because she was never perfect like her,Hannah could have shared the same father with her but the bond was different,how could her Mom stand there and join hands with Hannah to bring her down.

Her phone kept on ringing but she ignored it and cried till she was satisfied therefore worsening the headache.

Minutes later,she was still at the corner of her room with a stogie in her mouth as she smoked away still recalling last night party,she quickly remembered when she jumped into the pool and then she saw her necklace drowning.

That's when she put the stogie down and looked at her neck,the necklace was gone.

She stood up panicking in fear as her hands started vibrating,she couldn't lose it,her father gave it to her,how could she lose it?..How careless!
Maybe Hannah was right,Dad will probably be disappointed at her also.

" No No No ". She ran her hands through her hair and searched her bag thoroughly but it was no where to be found.

Her phone rang again as she picked it.

" Peter am not in a good mood,call me back ".  She said and hung up but he called back.

" What the Fuck is your problem?!Didn't you hear me the first time? ". She yelled at him.

" If you cut this call one more time,I'll chase you from my shop! ". He warned as she cut the call.

How dare he threaten her? She thought and went back to search for her necklace when her phone rang again,this time it was Rita.

" Hey,can you call me later am busy ".

" Busy doing what? Smoking! ". Rita laughed at her best friend," Cut me that crap,what are you doing? ".

" Am looking for my necklace ". Kimberly groaned,sometimes she wished she didn't have any friend at all but sometimes she was grateful she had.

" Peter was holding it for you last night when you were high,am on my way to his shop...Are you coming? ".

" Oh...Shit!..I'll be there,let me quickly have my bath and ransack my mom's bag whether I'll get up to five thousand for today ".

" Bye bitch! ". Rita ended the call as Kimberly sat on the floor in relief as she picked her stogie watching as rats tried to reach out to the leftover on the floor and that moment made her so emotional as she sobbed again,just one more step they'll get to the food and to her,if she just took one more step maybe her Dad would have been alive,maybe she would have been chasing both their dreams,just maybe she would have been a better person.

Heyy,what are your thoughts on the second chapter?

How do you see this wild character named Kimberly?.
Please let me know your thoughts in the comment section.


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