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All right reserved. This books or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form,stored in any retrieval system,or transmitted in any form by any means ---electronic,mechanical,photocopy,recording or otherwise without prior written permission of the author.

For Permission requests,write to the author at oluomaimmaculata@gmail.com.

Portions of this book are work of Fiction. Any reference to real people or real places are used fictitiously. Other names,characters,places and events are products of the writers imagination and any resemblance to actual events or places is entirely coincidental.

Things you should know:

* I type and edit with my phone which is obviously not easy so any mistakes,feel free to point them out.

* I appreciate polite constructive criticism and not hateful comments.

*This book might contain a lot of emotions,mature content and unexpected twists so read at your own risk.

* My characters may not be as perfect as my readers so bear with them and even as the creator of the characters,I do not condone their action or their habits,feel free to insult my characters,I'll also join you but no insults should be directed at me,remember no one is perfect.



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