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~its always beautiful until I mess it up~


" Clean your mess,Simisola Coker! ". Dare Coker stormed out.

After yesterday's incident,the news went fast and her image was at stake and as the bad spy may have it,the other fighters face wasn't in the picture.

And the funny thing is,she couldn't even remember what instigated the fight,she couldn't remember faces or whatever occured last night but it was her mess and she had to fix it.

" What in the world is wrong with you?, embarrassing yourself because Douglas got married? ". Leo asked.

" Get off my back Damilare! ". She spat.

" Well I'd have done that last night if not for the fact that I cared!..". He shouted.

" Then what's the yelling for?,the deed has been done! ". She screamed.

" Maybe Bibi is right after all,all these facades in your lives,it's time to put it behind and see imperfections, that's what makes us unique Silver..the earlier you see that you're not in anyway perfect, the better for you". Leo walked out.

Silver sighed rubbing her forehead as she opened her phone, Nelly hasn't replied her text.

She quickly dialled her personal assistant number.

" Hello Hannah..Look,I'm not showing up to work today and I can't get through Nelly so please try and take care of everything today,cancel all the meetings and just be of good help,I'll see you later ". She quickly hung up slamming her phone on the table.

Bibi walked into the kitchen yawning as she picked Hollandia yoghurt from the freezer.

" Good morning". She greeted Silver who didn't reply her.

Bibi rolled her eyes," When I don't greet you anymore,I shouldn't be questioned".

" Can you just stop please?! ". Silver yelled.

" Not the cause of the mess yesterday but I called a personal nerd and they've taken your pictures down from the web so it's time for you to do what you know how to do best,your revenge ". She sipped her yoghurt opening her Instagram and as soon as she saw what she sleeptyped,she spat the yoghurt and ran upstairs leaving Silver in awe.

" Thank God". She took in a deep breath rubbing her temple.

" Hangover is a bitch! ". She cried.

" Can you guys just stop it! ". Kimberly yelled at Peter and Rita.

" Stop it??...You fought with Silver Cokers,do you know you can be put behind bars and you're back to the I don't care character! ".

" Because guess what Rita?..I don't fucking care! ". She yelled.

" Well it's high time you care Kimberly because the world doesn't revolve around you,I personally told you that you should get a grip of yourself,you can't pour all your fucking problems on the d**k of any guy you cross at the party! ". Rita yelled and suddenly regretted her words.

" Well and it's high time you get your perfect ass off my back! ". Kimberly said.

" Can you guys just cut it out? please..am I the only one that have a Killer headache? ". Paula walked in.

" All I'm trying to say is that it could have been a mess and Kim I know you don't usually loose in parties but if you do have a problem that's why we are here to talk about it ".

Kimberly slammed her cup on the tables.

" There's nothing to talk about,can you guys just cut it out?! ". She yelled.

" Really?? you've been at dark nights and back in the dirty business, cleaning their mess and all this shit ". Peter said.

" Well I didn't know there's a stalker on my tail ". She said.

" Enough Kim!..get a grip of yourself, the world is waiting to see you Kim, you're so beautiful inside and for some weird reasons am the only one that can see it and I don't like it that way,I'm here for us to heal together Kim.. Enough with the smoking and all those please ". Peter said calmly as tears welled up in her eyes.

" Bloody hypocrites,piss off! ". She took her bag and walked out as they all sighed.

" Miss Paula,you have a meeting request from Damilare Leo Coker " Her assistant walked in.

" Book it later this evening or tomorrow morning". Paula said.

" I just love Kim that's why ". Rita sighed.

" She'll be back ". Peter sighed.

" And youuuu Peter,the way you ran back to Silver Coker ". Paula teased.

" Please". Peter scoffed," she was weak".

" If you say so ". Rita smiled.

Bibi sat in front of the mirror sighing countless times as she scanned whatever she texted him mistakenly.

               Ugg dhjlkllkwuuj. Ijsjjsjs okkkahjja. Sokskks




Hello are you okay 😅?

" Can I say I was sleep texting? ". She cried.

" Dear Lord". She face palmed herself and picked up her phone.

             Sorry about that,slept on my phone.

She faced the down backwards waiting for it to chime.

Heyy it's fine.
Shit happens.

By the way,sorry about yesterday.

                           It's fine,some days are like that.

Actually it was my junior sister that posted that and followed you and I was going to undo it until you texted back.


Yeaaa so we good?

                                Not yet blacktouch

Actually there is no 'C' it's a dollar sign.

                                        Same thing 😒

Not really smart ass.

                        So back to what I was saying,you do draw?


            And it looks like I was the muse,do we perhaps know each other?

I doubt QueenB.

       How do you explain the fact that you know my English name?

Uhmmm...your IG handle..



                     You do know me bla$ktouch and if you claim you don't,let's end this convo till you're ready to not be a coward.

Still as rude as ever.
Nice meeting you again.
I'm still a coward so adios💲

She frowned at his reply cos she felt guilty that her reply was cold and just when she was about to text him back.

_bla$ktouch has blocked you.

" Okay what the actual fuck! ". She sighed laying back on her bed.


These party poopers 🥴..
Bibi and her secret messager🥴.
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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2021 ⏰

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