είκοσι τρία

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/ˈɛl(d)rɪtʃ/ adjective /

weird and sinister or ghostly.


TW ahead: thinspo

Renjun is evidently confused when Jeno hugs him. (And winces at the bruise that the elder boy is placing pressure on unintentionally. )

All he can do is to try his best to pry the bigger boy of him. Anxiety builds in his chest as the realisation sets in that Jeno could notice how big his arms were.

But his back started getting wetter with Jeno's tears brought him back to the reality of the situation. He doesn't dare to ask yet in fear of more tears but he wouldn't deny that he was curious about what Jeno was crying about. Renjun only pats the Track and Field boy on his back comfortingly.

As time passes and Jeno's sniffles lighten up, the silence breaks with a question, " Junnie, why are you so- small. You never seem to eat enough, and frankly I don't think I've ever seen you eat anything besides yogurt, fruits and vegetables and you never eat white rice or potatoes or meat. Are you on a diet? What for? Doctor's orders?"

Suddenly, Renjun's attention goes back to his wretched body image. Of how big he is, and how he's fully aware that Jeno sees and feels his body through the hug. It's too late now and it's Renjun's turn to tear up.

He isn't sure if he's crying because the guy he likes can see how his body truly looks like, or because he's overwhelmed by the fact that the person he least expected is confronting him about his eating habits and decisions or just the whole situation in itself. Internally, he laughs at how weak a control he has over his emotions.

The older boy hugs him even tighter as the fragile child's sobs wreck his frame, hands covering his eyes as he succumbs to his fate of being judged by his crush of how corpulent he is.

"I'm humongous. I- I need to l- lose weight, or I'll- I'll forever be stuck in this body. An- and  this stupid life,"

He stammers through his cries , his voice thick with emotions. He wants to apologise for how ugly and fat he is, for ever daring to even like a perfect boy like him. That if he didn't want to be his friend anymore, he would understand and respect that decision. Because that's what happened to all of his friends anyways. His thoughts spill out as words that the other boy hears.

Jeno pushes him away lightly, just as he had expected, eyes still puffy from bawling. The taller one stares at him, puzzled.

"Junnie, you're no where near fat. In fact, I think you're too *hiccups* skinny,"

It becomes the smaller boy's turn to stare back at him in confusion.

Logic had stopped doing its job.

"Can't you see all this?" Renjun pinches the fat on his arm, showing the other male. And that's when Jeno realises that the smaller boy's view of himself is more distorted than he assumed.

"It's barely skin, Junnie. You're almost just skin and bones if not for the muscles," The athlete tries to reason back at the smaller boy, who was getting increasingly irritated by the second.

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