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Causing hatred or strong dislike.

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"Who on earth would ever want you? Fat. Useless. Annoying. Can't even run for you God-forsaken life,"

"Jaemin, Please- "

"Stop clinging onto me, you fat leech!"  the younger screamed.

The tiny Chinese boy looked to the ground, starring at his feet. He didn't know to do.

His heart tightened.

He felt so small.

His mouth went dry. Words simply couldn't spill out like before.

"You were never my friend and never will be,"

The taller boy walked away, towards his new-found group of friends.

His group cheered, obviously proud of their Jaemin.

He had never seemed so happy before. It was as if he had seen the light after being in total darkness for so long. Finally having hope as one would say.

Renjun was just about to walk towards the garden in his school until it decided to rain. He didn't care anymore. When the other boys ran towards shelter, he walked steadily towards the garden. He relinquished in the cooling shower while boys who walked by just stared in judgemental confusion.

He sat there in the rain, admiring how raindrops glided from one leaf to another.

Nature was his only source of comfort. Their lush emeralds pleads Renjun to not be sad. To not care. To try put his rose-tinted glasses on.

Renjun went back to class drenched from head-to-toe. Luckily, his teacher, Mr Lee, was in fact afraid that he might catch a cold so he sent the boy to the Nurse's.

By the time Renjun reaches the Nurse's, he feels hot and cold all at the same time.

He sneezes. He takes one step. He sneezes another. One step. Another sneeze. And so on.

"Oh dear me," Nurse Kim rushes to the small plump sneezing boy's aid. He instinctively placed his hand on the Renjun's forehead, making the little boy flinch due to the contrasting temperatures.

Nurse Kim guides him to the sick bay where the injured or sick boys rest before their parents picked them up. Surprisingly, today was a happy day where no boys got injured or came to school sick.

Renjun was the first one.

Nurse Kim sighs before bending down to slide a drawer open in order to get a set of uniform for the plump boy.

"Is this size okay?" Nurse Kim asked the shivering boy despite the towel he had already provided him with.

The boy who fell ill nodded. Renjun was 3 sizes bigger than most other boys his age. 12 year olds.

Nurse Kim snaps the poor boy out of his trance, giving him a fresh new set of uniform for him to change into. He nods, thanking the older one before heading to the toilet nearby.

While he changes, he notices that his uniform sticks onto his flabs of fat. Making it more obvious for many to see his round shape. Renjun hugs his figure but at the same time making sure that the fresh set of uniform was not going to dampen by himself.


"Kun Hyung, Renjun was sent to me dripping wet. Please do make sure he does take a proper shower when he gets back and maybe some porridge to warm him up," Nurse Kim relays his message to Renjun's older brother. Kun nods while looking at his didi (弟弟) [younger brother] who looked so innocently sleeping.

"Yes I will. Thank you so much Doyoung," the older smiles at the younger. He faces the youngest, patting him awake.

"Kun ge () is here. Let's go home buddy,"

✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿

Although Kun ge tries his best to feed Renjun, whatever he eats ends up being thrown up into the toilet bowl for three days straight in a row. Kun was getting very much worried, and got Doctor Suh to come help.

"It's just flu, nothing much to worry. But please do keep his temperature in-check. If it keeps rising, call me back,"

Worry leaves Kun's shoulders. He thanks Dr Suh and calls Doyoung to keep him notified. Kun can't help but get worried. Renjun never got a flu so bad before.

On the second week, Renjun slowly thins out. His once plump cheeks now angular cheekbones. His chubby arms slowly became rails. His fingers become much more defined and his belly flattens to the average size of an active boy. He only wakes up to eat his medication and replenish his water loss from cold sweat. The small boy sometimes wakes up in the middle of the night with a throbbing headache, and to the sight of his Hyung sleeping on his bedside.

He doesn't dare cry from the skull-gripping pain that the headache gives him. He doesn't want to cause his Hyung anymore trouble.

He somehow just can't eat anymore. Kun was also at a loss as what to do.
Renjun couldn't eat 5 spoonfuls of porridge without having to rush to the bathroom to vomit but his fever had somewhat subsided into a 37.8 degrees celcius.


Mr Lee eventually manages to come over to check on his student, which is also his close friend's brother.

"Taeyong-ah. Please help me,"

It was the second time he had seen Kun breakdown into tears like that. Kun always made it a point to never cry infront of his friends, even his closest of friends rarely saw him cry.

He hugged the younger one as tears flowed. He listened to what the other had to say. Apparently, because Kun was still under probation, he still had to work in the morning but returned whenever he was finished for the day. Which left Kun completely drained. Luckily on the other hand, he was able to get Doyoung to come over and help to take care of the younger one since Hendery was able to cover his shifts.
Taeyong grabs the tissue packets from his haversack to the much-more-calmed-down Kun.

"Kun ge?"
A delicate voice called out. Both adults turn their heads but only Taeyong gasps in shock as to what had happened to the bubbly plump boy.

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