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easily broken into smaller pieces.


Renjun was slowly getting used to the routine.

Going to school, getting beaten up, almost becoming late for class and then having to do his own homework in class because now the whole Dream squad would just shove him their homework. His lack of sleep on top of a developing insomnia wasn't helping at all. And now he couldn't even stomach a whole meal in a day without having to vomit.

Kun was getting more and more worried. And so were the other adults in his life.

"Injun-ah, dinner is on the stove. Remember to eat okay?" Kun hugs his younger brother out of his wits. The smaller one nods his head and let his limbs relax into the hug.

The older releases from the hug and grabs his suitcase as he walks towards the door, waving goodbye to the boy in oversized pyjamas.

"And Doyoung Hyung is coming over again," Kun shouts from the entrance.

Renjun groaned.

That would mean Haechan would be coming over too.

And Renjun was starting to develop a strong hatred with a sense of fear of the boy.

Renjun spent the time waiting for Doyoung Hyung to appear to worry about the real intents of Haechan.

He didn't understand. One moment he was a bully and the next, his best friend worrying about him.

It was frustrating. He didn't know whether to hate him or to trust him. He wanted to spill secrets with him, watch more Moomin together, talk about sunflowers and their conspiracy theories.

But on the other hand, he was also there from afar when he was getting hit, when he was getting punched. And he didn't bother coming to get him, to at least ask him if he was okay.

He hated it. He hated it. He hated it.

And he didn't want to see Haechan.

Ring Ding Dong

"Renjun-Ah, Doyoung Hyung is here~," the clatter of the door and the sound of feet against the marble floor.

He pinched himself and put on his mask of a smile as he greeted Doyoung and Haechan into his house.

"I'll be in my room,"

The smaller boy retreats into the comforts of his room as he continues through his revision papers. His teachers have been making him stay back to tell him he's lacking behind. He knows it.

And so they gave him even more homework to compensate it. Renjun sighs. He still has to do Mark and Jisung's homework.

Kun even asked him if he wanted tuition class. Which was something that Renjun never went forever.

Renjun stares at the question with his eyebrows furrowed and a little pout. He was so sure he had just seen the question in class today. So the boy leaves his seat to get his folder and find his notes.

"Injunnie?" A small, strangely timid voice called from his door.

The older boy looked up.

Haechan with red puffy eyes was starring at him from his doorstep. He sniffed.

And he hugged Renjun.

Renjun didn't bother to reciprocate the hug. It was probably just a plan to see that Renjun is nothing but a pushover and so you can just leave him alone and go back to him when you need someone.

"I'm so sorry. I really couldn't do anything ," the younger boy sniffled into his shoulder.

Renjun could tell that the boy had been crying for quite some time. By the way the tanned boy croaked, he probably for a good solid 3 hours.

"It's against nct rules to do that, I know," Renjun whispered softly to the other.

Haechan was a little surprised that the latter knew, but dismissed the thought immediately when Doyoung Hyung came in.

"Boys, here's dinner," The oldest carefully balances the plates of food in his hands while walking at an abnormally fast speed.

The two boys just watched as their Hyung almost spills soup and topples rice all over the room.

And obviously, Doyoung gets mad at them not trying to help him with something along the lines of, " Not helping your Hyung even though you see him struggling,"

The room becomes lively with sound again. The chatter and the jokes, Renjun feels like he actually belongs. And even if anyone tries to say otherwise, we would gladly fight them.

However, Renjun still doesn't eat more than 3 spoons rice and the dish, and his diet is mostly water.

Dinner becomes a little tense when Renjun denies that he's hungry and pushes the food nearer to Haechan and Doyoung.

"Hyung, I ate earlier before you two came. So it's fine," Renjun tries to lie logically, which is something he does with ease.

Doyoung doesn't really take it but eventually he takes it when Renjun gives him the dish back for the fifth time.

Haechan just looks from his place, quietly eating his share of dinner. He knows Renjun hadn't eaten yet, and he didn't eat when he was in school.

Dream wouldn't allow him to. They wouldn't leave him alone until he didn't eat. They kicked his apple away, his cereal into his hair and unopened milk carton into the bin.

It was pure fun and entertainment for them. Haechan couldn't do anything, for he had learnt not to meddle with nct matters and never with the leader.

And the only way to stop them was through a member of a higher rank or the supreme leader. But he only knows of no one.

Little does the young boy realise that they are all around him and that the supreme leader, is Mr Lee.

A softie leading a gang of bullies, intelligence group and cool people? No one would've known.

It was a joke that even he doesn't know that his uncle, Doyoung, is also an apparent member of nct.

It was that secretive of a club. With its base in Korea, rumours have said that there is another one setting up in China, called WayV.

The strange thing was that many people wanted to join the group but even they themselves don't know what nct does.

Many speculate that they fight crime, others say that its a mafia and some say a drug dealing company.

And there's a tiny group that say that they don't actually exist.

But really, what is the real reason behind nct?

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