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hi fun kou gai
a righteous, miserable anger; a frustration and despair over a situation that seems terrible but cannot be changed.


"Renjun, stay back after class. The rest of the class, you may go for recess," Ms Kang's voice rings throughout the whole class. The bell sings along to her voice

And with that, the class is dismissed on Ms Kang's accord.

"Thank you, goodbye and God bless you, Ms Kang," the boys chorused as they head off to their favourite period of the day, recess.

Renjun wrings his palms as he waddles to the front of the classroom and continually plays with the sleeves of his oversized cardigan.

He feels like he did something wrong but he had no idea what it was.

Was he failing a subject? Did he not hand in a piece of homework long overdue? 

Questions and speculations flooded his mind.

But when he looked up, he saw a pair of concerned eyes looked right through him.

Ms Kang held onto his hands and sighed.


"Yes, Seulgi Noona,"

"How are you coping? You're getting panda eyes and skinny,"

Renjun smiled internally. He was happy that someone had noticed his efforts.

The smaller boy nodded while looking into Seulgi Noona's eyes.

"You've been doing the Dreamies' work again you did a great job at mimicking their handwriting though," Seulgi chuckles at Renjun's widened eyes.

"Almost couldn't tell until I remembered that they don't join their words so close and your own homework isn't as good as theirs,"

"I'm sorry, Seulgi Noona,"

She smiles and ruffles his hair.

It feels nice when Seulgi Noona does that. He feels like a pet dog that is comforted by his owner even though he bit the shoes.

"You know you can always tell the teachers what is happening, right? Dream isn't a huge concern, besides, Mr Lee has quite some influence on them apparently, " She looks into his eyes with slight desperation for him to maybe uncover a hidden revelation.

He nods. He knows. But he doesn't want to say anything. He weighs the considerations of telling the teachers of his circumstances and not telling.

He can safely conclude that telling would not necessarily be better for his mental health and that not saying would possibly deter his mental health even further.

"Ms Kang? May I take Renjun for awhile? I need him to help me with something,"

Both student and teacher turn towards the door to see Mr Lee slumped at the doorway with his arms folded.

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