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an overwhelming urge to escape.


Renjun ended up discarding his lunch away. They were thrown on the ground anyways, courtesy of Chenle.

He was contemplating on walking back to class while bleeding his life out or going to see Doyoung Hyung.

And obviously, results are the most important so he slowly inched himself to the toilet to try freshen up so he could go back to class even as he bled and starved.

Lucky for him, he was part of the school's paramedics team so he had every right to touch the first-aid kit.

Renjun tip-toed a little to get the box and rushed into a cubicle to dress his wounds.

He slowly peeled his uniform off his body, revealing the cuts, some still left open while other had formed scabs.

He sighed. It was definitely going to leave a mark. He already had bruises on his face and arms and now scars on addition. Renjun slowly applied the slightly isopropanol-soaked cotton onto his wounds.

And he felt the pain again. The burning sensation but strangely now, he enjoyed it.

It felt like something he deserved. He felt like a psycho for feeling this way. It didn't feel right yet it felt correct.

And he finally managed to clean them properly and bandaged the cuts and wounds in the linen and cotton. While applying some foundation on his face and hands to hide the bruises.

It was still midday and he already suffered so many injuries, he wished he could just go home and never go out.

He hated life.

And life hated him too.


"Are you sure you're okay?" Jeno repeatedly asked in a low murmur.

Renjun was getting pretty irritated at this point. Jeno had been asking if he was okay for 5 minutes straight.
And all he wanted to do was to focus in class.

"Yeah, just leave me alone," his eyes darted at Jeno.

"But you have so many bandages-," the latter pointed at all the bandages that hugged Renjun's arms tightly and the fact that some parts were still bleeding.

Renjun shifted uncomfortably towards the wall, his head leaning on the window. His eyes met Ms Kim Taeyeon's concerned eyes. He pouted a little as he looked at Jeno before turning back to Ms Kim.

The teacher cleared her throat.

"Lee Jeno, Please focus in class. Stop bothering Renjun and answer my question,"

The boy who was called scrambled to sit up straight and answer the question on the blackboard.

Renjun looked at Ms Kim gratefully and she nodded back with a smile. It was one of those days he was happy he was a teachers' pet. It was a right he used whenever he could and when he himself didn't want to deal with the situation anymore.

For the meantime, he didn't want to talk about it.

His mind wandered off to the fields outside the classroom. Where some boys played freely with each other and others were just busy talking to each other about various. He saw how carefree they all looked.

Renjun let out a tiny sigh.

He wished he could be that free.
Without having to think of his parents' failing business, Kun's mental health state, his studies, his bullies and Na Jaemin.

He hated how he had so much effect on him. And that he had so much hope that Jaemin would be his friend again. 

Renjun turned back to the blackboard to see Ms Kim going through the homework which he had done the other day when Taeyong Hyung came over to give him some homework.

He took out his file and went back to his usual studying mode.

Jeno, on the other table, was casually stealing glances at the kind-of pretty Chinese boy who sat next to him. Maybe not kind-of, the obviously pretty boy who seemed like an actual manhwa character.

That cold boy who had a hard life but is an actual softie inside.

Jeno twirled his pencil between his fingers, thinking about the various backstories that were possibly possible in the much mundane world he lived in.

Life was never always as fun as it should be, not as happy as it must be but somewhat liveable.

But that gives life his character, a bit of everything. Some people just react differently. And that's what makes everyone different.

While there's that one group, who don't react. Why?
Because they don't want to anymore.
Jeno was one of them.

He was tired of having to learn a new syllabus wherever he went. Of having to make new friends, leaving old ones.

It was difficult. And he had no say in the matter, he's only a child who should listen to his parents.
To never defy them, for a child is to be seen and not to be heard. Because children are young, therefore they do not have enough experience and are unable to make a wise judgement and will never understand their parents.

Jeno had enough of adults and never wanted to become one.

"Lee Jeno, this is the second time I've called you. Will you please listen in class? Please answer the question, so which pattern will come after this?" Ms Kim smacks the board and sends daggers to Jeno.

The boy lost in his thought abruptly looks over to see the question on the screen. And totally pauses. He had never seen that question before.

It would be totally useless if he were to just count by a calculator.

He was literally that meme where a bunch of formulas were scattered across the screen and his eyes were wide, head completely fully functional yet unable to function.

A slip of paper slid towards his worksheet, Jeno quickly glanced at the paper before shouting a " Pattern 20" over the class to the very irritated Ms Kim.

Ms Kim nodded and continued questioning other students who she thought weren't listening.

The poor boy who kept getting arrowed at finally let out his breath. He could hear tiny giggles from his table partnering his left.

Renjun looked so tiny and adorable giggling like that. Jeno didn't mind getting laughed at again if it meant that he could see that beautiful smile again.

hehe hi guys!! thanks so much for reading🥺 and if y'all have any ideas please do share.



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