A plan

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Narrator POV
As the caretaker left the library a cold chill went down her spine. The thought of hearing that another child died and her getting punished scared her. She knew what he was doing was wrong but, with his abilities there's no way she can beat him. She sighs in disappointment.

The next morning the trio woke up around the same time and met in the mini dining hall. Again, the food was stale and disgusting so they skipped it. They stayed for a while to talk though.

"How was y'all's sleep?" Devan asked with a yawn.

"I barely slept. That book kept me up all night," Forest admitted.

"Same," Ollie and Devan chimed back.

They stared at each other in disappointment but the awkward stare down slowly turned into laughing. The loud noise attracted the caretaker.

"Can you guys be quiet, I'm not in the mood to teach you guys a lesson today," she asked.

"Sorry," Ollie apologized.

The three took that as an invitation to leave the setting. They quickly jogged away from the dining hall and into the hallways. There on the board was the list of chores they had to do. Ollie had to clean off the computers, Forest went to pick and harvest grains, and Devan cleaned off the many tools and items the caretaker's had.
They split ways and went to do their exclusive task.

Ollie wetted a towel and started to clean the computers in the computer room. It was really messy even after just being cleaned a day ago. The dust was back and the visible fingerprints were everywhere. Ollie took off his glasses to clean them off too. The glass shimmering back at him.

Forest grabbed his sickle he named Death and started harvesting the wheat in the fields. This is his only chance to ever be outside so Forest tried to take his time like always. The sickle in his hand felt light and clean. It cut through the crops like butter.

Devan went into the caretaker's room with her permission to clean off the items. She had a handful of things like books, jewelry, and some miscellaneous items. The box of dice caught Devan's eye. There was many of them, so Devan took one. It was a basic white die with black spots. He slipped it into his pocket and continued cleaning the area.

After a while they finished cleaning and by then it was near lunch. They quickly shoveled down the food since the chores deprived them. It wasn't the best food but it's better than nothing. They spent the rest of the day talking until nightfall so they can meet up in the library.

"Ugh, it seemed like those computers become dirty again when I look away from one," Ollie whined.

"Yeah, although I enjoy the outside. There was honestly too much wheat to harvest for me to relax in," Forest agreed.

"Eh, I can't agree with you guys. Caretaker's room is already pretty clean," Devan bragged.

"So then what took you so long?" Forest asked.

"I was just admiring some of her items. She has some interesting stuff. I stole one of her die from her collection. I don't know why she have so many but she wouldn't notice right?" Devan chuckled.

"You stole her stuff?! If you get caught don't bring us into it. I am definitely not trying to get punished with you," Ollie gasped.

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