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Forest POV
Devan lead the way as Ollie and I followed behind him. The village elder's was very nice. I expected him to be grumpy and short tempered but if looks like I was wrong.

The endless trail was tiring. We were walking for an hour and still no progress. The village was nowhere to be seen. Eventually, we gave in and took a rest. It was almost night time too.

It sucks. We forgot to bring some type of tool to keep track of time. All we knew is that it's getting dark and we need to find somewhere to sleep overnight. This part of the trail had a lot more colored trees. The leaves look so mesmerizing.

We found a clear spot that had close to no trees. We sat our backpacks down onto a fallen log and we then went out to collect some sticks or wood. It's so cold tonight there's no way we can sleep without a fire.

I ventured out into the forest to look for some sticks. It's getting really dark, I don't really want the others to get lost. I was used to being in the dark since my room had a broken light. I used a window to get light in there in the morning but at night, it was just blackness. I was scared for the first few days but I got used to it eventually. It's to the point where I think I had natural night vision. That's an exaggeration but I can see through the dark pretty well.

I had a few sticks under my arms before I felt like something was off. It's been a while and I haven't heard Ollie or Devan call for me. I wanted to keep collecting until they called me but they haven't. It's been like 10 minutes they should be finished. Speaking of that, how deep into the forest am I?

I don't remember how far I went. I'm sure I only took a few steps from where we put our backpacks down. I can't see the end of the trees now though. How did this happen so fast? I barely remember venturing this far.

It's completely dark now. The moon was out and everything. I loved the moon but not when I'm lost. The only light was from the moonlight and it was barely helping. Ugh! It's like the trees move with every step I take. Am I loosing my mind? This isn't supposed to happen! What if I'm too far away from the camp to hear their calls?! I'm messing everything up! Now they have to come find me and lose resting time. Why am I so useless!

No, it's fine just keep your balance. It's fine, I just have to think. Use my head for once. Instead of panicking I closed my eyes to ignore my imagination of the trees moving. It felt like the trees were revolving around me even if I can't see it. I can feel them towering over me. No, I'm used to this. It's just like your room Forest. Just pretend it's your room.

I opened my eyes and focused. The more I cleared my mind the more clear the woods got. The overwhelming dark forest turned into a brighter version of itself. More importantly, I could see what was in front of me. It wasn't trees but it was almost like a path of my imagination.

Just focus Forest, you'll find yourself out. The more I comforted myself the more I noticed my legs moving by itself. I don't know where it's taking me but I hope it's taking me closer to my desired location.

With my mind cleared, my legs moved on their own. I didn't try to resist since if I did I would probably lose balance. After a few minutes of the eerie feeling in my bones I saw the log. The big log with our backpacks on it.

I walked closer, finally being able to take control and I saw Ollie and Devan on the floor. Did they fall asleep? Did they pass out from being too tired? I was worrying until I heard footsteps behind me. Before I could turn around I felt something hard hit my head and I face planted onto the floor.

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