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Devan POV

I was shook to reality by Forest. What was that vision I just had? No, it wasn't just a vision. I was in the body and mind of another. Was that me? Is that what's holding me back from unlocking my powers? How am I supposed to let go of something that important. It's the last memory I have of my parents.

"Devan are you good? You just spaced out when Minerva gave suggestions of what might be holding you back," Forest said concernedly. I should probably pay attention.

"Yeah yeah, I'm fine. I was just thinking of some things. Sorry Minerva, you may continue. I'm back to reality now," I joked. Hopefully I didn't come off as rude.

"That's fine. We all have those moments. Now that we got that over with, is there any more questions for me?" she responded. She's a very understanding person, I like that.

"Nope, we're all ears now," Ollie nodded as he pointed to his ears.

"Well that's good to hear. I really don't have too much new information but I think I should tell you guys one thing. Every skill also has one forbidden technique. That skill can only be brought to the light if you reach a balanced state of mind in a high stress situation. That skill will be extremely helpful but even so, it uses up a lot of Ori. When you three get to the tower, remember to remain calm. The calmer you are, the better your Ori flow. That's the only new information you need to know. How about we spar for a few hours? It's kind of late, but we can spar until dawn? Then you guys can rest for a few hours and get to the tower near late afternoon. What do you say?" Minerva giggled. I wish I could spar too but, I don't have a power yet so I think I'll sit this one out.

"Sparring? Sure!" Ollie agreed and Forest followed up with a nod.

"Devan? I can help with some martial arts if you're interested," Minerva offered.

"I mean, sure! Just get to Ollie and Forest first. They're the one with powers after all haha," I smiled.

Minerva made us follow her out of her house. She led us to this large field beside the village. It was pretty far away from the trail though. Oh well, I'm sure this is fine.

"Just come at me with intent to kill. Don't worry about injuring me. Imagine if I was Trap. No hesitations, no second thoughts. Come at me with your full strength. If any of us say game over, stop everything. We will use those two words as a safe word to keep all of us safe alright? You two vs me. Keep in mind that my power is evasion. I'll be very fast and I can parry with no weapon. It's kind of a air type ability. Alright, enough explaining, come at me!" Minerva challenged. With that, I saw Ollie and Forest charge at Minerva while I sat by the sidelines.

It was so cool being able to see the three fight and learn. I saw them make mistakes but the next time they attacked, they avoided the same mistake. Although with every step Forest and Ollie took, Minerva seemed to take two. She was definitely experienced in this stuff. I kind of admire her. She doesn't have any cool or flashy abilities but the way she can dodge and send a quick blow to Ollie or Forest with her hands is crazy.

Minerva seemed to be untouched, not even grazed by Ollie and Forest's attacks. Through out the battle, Minerva seemed to throw out tips for the two. Whilst doing that, she was still dodging and parrying. Minerva really is good at this!

"Forest calm down. Remember, don't let your emotions take control," Minerva comforted.

"Inhales, Thanks Minerva. I'll keep that in mind exhales," Forest confidently said.

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