The journey

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Devan POV
I knocked on Ollie's door and he greeted me with a confused look on his face. Well, I did knock a little early but whatever.

"Did you need something Devan?" he asked.

"We're leaving now," I commanded.

"But caretaker! She might catch us," Ollie rebutted.

I quickly summarized what caretaker said to me to Ollie. He seems unsure about her still but what could go wrong? Ollie and I then headed to Forest's room.

"Hey Forest!" I said knocking on the door.

"Yes?" he answered.

"We're leaving come on!" I repeated.

"I thought-" Forest said before I interrupted him.

Before he could say anything else, I explained it to him too. Forest seemed less skeptical than Ollie which I don't know if it's a good thing or not at this point.

I walked towards the front door of the orphanage with Ollie and Forest. I could sense their trembling. They were so confident before but now that the time actually came, they're so nervous. Can't blame them though.

"Are you sure we can trust caretaker's words?" Ollie asked skeptically.

"She seemed genuine. I trust her to not lie to me after all that acting," I answered.

"Okayyy whatever you say," he sassed.

I pulled out the spare key and inserted it into the key hole. I twisted it and I heard a quick click. I turned the doorknob and the hot summer breeze hit my face.

"Wow, this is what the front of the orphanage feels like?" Forest awed.

"The farm in the back of the orphanage was fenced off so I could never escape from there but this is what we were missing out on?" Forest added.

"This is way better than the orphanage, I can't wait to finally leave. Anyway, what's our first move?" Ollie asked.

"Caretaker said to just keep going north and we'll eventually reach the tower," I stated.

"Alright then, let's get moving!" Ollie yelled.

I took my first step off of the stairs leading to the door of the orphanage. I barely remember being outside. The last time I've felt this free was when caretaker took me outside to look at the autumn trees up close. Of course, that only happened once when I was a child.

I was trying to take in what I was seeing but Ollie rushed me to follow him. After I didn't move, he just jerked my hand which I took as a warning. I walked behind Ollie and Forest so I could look at my surroundings.

Caretaker said it's autumn again but the leaves haven't changed yet. I did see leaves on the floor though. I hope to see those nice colored leaves as soon as possible.

The trail we were on was leading north so was this specifically made for the orphanage? I wonder if this trail leads through a village, caretaker did say I should meet a few villages on my journey.

I kicked at the pebbles on the dirt trail. The air smelled better than the orphanage 10 folds. This sweet autumn air, this is amazing. It was a good idea to escape from here, although I kind of feel bad for caretaker.

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