Forest POV

"Welcome to my domain, here you will take your last breaths," Red smiled coldly.

Just keep calm Forest. Everything will be fine. She's just like every other enemy. I may not be able to beat her in strength, but I can beat her with smartness.

"I'll let you guys come at me first. Only because I pity you three," Red smirked. Why is everybody on this tower so egotistical?

"Conjure: Aerial Drones," Ollie said beside me.

The summoning circle from last time appeared on the floor. Coming out of it, was a bunch of drones that quickly swarmed the air. There's so much! How much Ori did Ollie put into this?! I looked over at him and he was sweating bullets.

He pointed the drones at Red and the drones started to shoot lasers out of guns that was attached to the drones. There was so many shots! The room was almost glowing green with the amount of shots there was.

"Heh, pathetic," Red rolled her eyes as she extended her hand out. In a blink, all the shots turned into blood. The drones then also turned to blood.

"What the hell?!" Ollie put his hand over his mouth, I did too. What kind of power is that?!

Suddenly the blood that was originally Ollie's bots, started to shoot at us! It's so fast! Blood isn't dangerous but I don't wanna risk getting hit by it.

Blood splat all around us as we barely dodged them. I'm running out of energy so fast! I still can't believe this is happening! No, I have to calm down. Just remember what Minerva said.

"Skill: Deadly Caprice," Red said as she pulled out a huge red scythe from the back of her throne!

Red charged at me with a stare that could kill. I quickly reacted and pulled out my sickle and we both hooked our weapons together.

"You have a nice reaction time, but not enough," Red complimented as I felt a huge pain in my back.

I turned my head around, still keeping my weapon hooked onto Red's. A puddle of blood from earlier was turned into a spike and it went right into my back. It hurts like hell!

"Ah I'm sorry! I didn't expect a puddle of blood to turn into that spike! I'll be on guard next tim-" Ollie apologized but then the puddle of blood he was standing on turned into a tentacle and choked Ollie.

"This is too easy!" Red laughed with blood running down her eyes. What the hell?!

"Huh? Where's your other friend?" Red continued.

"Up high!" Devan said from the ceiling. How did he climb up there?!

Before Red could take in what Devan said, Devan came down from the ceiling and kicked Red right in the face. It looked like it hurt from the way Red got knocked all the way back to her throne.

"Ugh you fiend!" Red cursed.

With that kick, I was freed from the spike of blood and Ollie was let down from the choke hold. He went to catch his breath while I controlled my breathing to slow the bleeding from behind me.

"Here Forest! I'll heal you again! Skill: Technica-" Ollie tried to use his skill but another tentacle choked him.

"Stupid healer! I'll take care of the non-fighters before I get to you with the sickle!" Red planned.

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