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Narrator POV

Ollie sat beside his unconscious friends and continued to meditate. The forbidden technique he used took up a lot of Ori. If he doesn't start recovering it right now, he'll for sure die the next battle.

After a few minutes, Ollie sighed and used his healing skill. Forest and Devan eventually woke up too. The three of them was silent until Ollie broke the silence.

"I also unlocked my forbidden technique now," Ollie said with mixed emotions in his voice.

"Nice one! Sorry I wasn't much use again. I have no ability while you two unlocked your forbidden techniques. This is why I feel useless sometimes," Devan apologized.

"Didn't I say to not bring up things like that? You know you're useful!" Ollie comforted as he patted Devan's back.

"Mhm, what Ollie said. You'll never be a drag to us!" Forest followed up.

"Heh, thanks guys. One day I'll repay the both of you for this!" Devan dived at the two to give them a hug.

"You're already repaying it by being with us still Devan. You don't have to worry about a thing. Just fight to your best abilities and live, that's all," Ollie wrapped his arms around Devan's hug, Forest followed Ollie's gesture.

"Is everybody prepared for the next floor?" Ollie asked.

"I think I am," Devan nodded.

"Me too," Forest said with a thumbs up.

"Let's go then!" Ollie lead the group up the stairs and their hands went over their mouthes when they saw who was on the floor.

It was a plain white room but on the throne, was somebody they didn't recognize. The surprising thing was that Red and Necro was beside the person on the throne.

"Welcome to the next floor! I'm surprised you three made it this far. You'll fight against Stream this time. Since she is a support person, Red and Necro will also be on this floor. Don't worry about how the two of them are still alive. We have our ways. They do have prior knowledge of their last fights with you guys though. Good luck," the unknown man blessed.

"Finally, a fair fight! 3v3, let's see how this goes! Nobody has ever gotten past this floor, I intend to keep it that way," Stream chuckled to herself.

"Skill: Amplification 2 Fold," Stream winked and then touched Necro and Red. A huge burst of Ori bounced around the room after that skill.

"Skill: Everlasting Chains," Forest uttered as he sent the chains at Red and Necro.

Faster than a blink, Red and Necro dodged and dashed behind Forest. Red pulled out her scythe and plunged it right into Forest.

Instead of blood spewing out, her hand was stuck in the body. It was only a clone and now the wires inside the clone trapped Red from moving.

"Skill: Shadow Suppress," Forest said from the ceiling as he threw his sickle at Red's shadow.

"Ugh! All of your abilities are so annoying!" Red tried to wriggle free but the sickle landed on her shadow and she couldn't move anymore.

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