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Devan POV

I sat down and closed my eyes. That was so terrifying. I have never seen so much blood in my whole life. My whole body is drenched and stained with blood. I've definitely seen better days.

"Did we beat them?" Ollie asked as he scratched his head.

"Yeah, we did. Good job everybody! Let's take a big rest before going to the final floor," I held Forest and Ollie's hand together.

"Haha, yeah let's do that. I will not complain about a good ol' rest," Forest leaned his back onto the wall.

The two of them sat there meditating to regain Ori before moving on. I watched them peacefully before the same white haired woman that appeared at the aftermath of every floor walked down the stairs.

She looked at me with her pale white eyes. She was never hostile towards us but she seemed to work for the tower. I wonder what her power is. Oh well, I should probably go back to watching Ollie and Forest. I looked away but then suddenly I heard a voice.

"You, the one without a power," I heard from the same woman. I turned my head to her direction and she was looking directly at me, Ollie and Forest was still focused in their own work.

"Me?" I questioned even though I'm the only one without a power.

"Who else would it be?" the woman rolled her eyes.

"What do you need from me?" I tried to be polite, she didn't try to kill me so I think I can trust her.

"The next floor, is going to be difficult. I know Trap or the person you've been hearing every time you reach a new floor has said that for every fight, but I'm warning you. The person you face on the next floor is horrifying. I don't understand how Trap even has him under his thumb but he's demonic. I suggest you to awaken your powers soon, your friends won't be able to carry you on their backs during this fight. Whatever is holding you back, figure it out and awaken your powers. Skill: Truth," the white haired woman advised as she put her hand on my shoulder. Within seconds, I felt like something inside me cleared.

"I feel...weird," I stumbled backwards after the touch.

"You should, now this interaction did not happen do you understand? Good," the woman ordered as she snapped her fingers.

"Hey Devan! Are you okay?" I heard Ollie's voice beside me.

"Huh?" I looked around and both Ollie and Forest was next to me.

I looked at them confused as the white haired woman came down the stairs. She picked up Red, Necro, and Stream then looked at me sharply. Her glare sent a tremble down my spine as she went up the stairs again.

"What just happened," I questioned myself.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Forest cooed.

"You should, now this interaction did not happen do you understand? Good," those words rang in my head.

"Ah it's nothing. Are we all set?" I asked, avoiding Forest's questions.

"Let me heal all of us one more time. Skill: Technical Rejuvenation," Ollie whispered as his wires was injected into us.

Once Ollie's skill finished, the three of us slowly ambled up the stairs. The room we arrived in was huge. It was bigger than any room we've been through already. If our battling space is this big then the person who owns this floor must be dangerous. That woman did warn me, I need to let go of that memory as soon as possible. Why is it so hard to?

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