Ollie POV
I woke up with a huge pain in my left arm. What the hell happened?! Ugh, my head hurts so much. I can barely lift my arm. I looked over to my arm to see bandages wrapped around my wrist to my elbow. There was a red stain the middle of the bandages.

Wait I think I can recall what happened. Last night, I think when we got back from collecting sticks Devan and I got knocked out. Then we woke up to these bandits I assume that kept asking me where the riches were.

Forest and Devan was also tied to different trees. The one talking to Forest said something before the one talking to me stabbed me! He stabbed me in the left arm I think.

So that's why I have bandages on my arm huh? Ugh, whoever bandaged me is not good at this. I already know they forgot to put hydrogen dioxide before wrapping. The wrapping isn't even good, it's not tight enough. This is infuriating.

Whatever, the sun wasn't completely out yet. It was sunrise I think. I was drowning in the smell of blood. What happened? Why is the smell of blood in the air? I get that I was wounded but it shouldn't be this bad.

I stood up with the little strength I had and I immediately gasped. 3 bodies and 3 heads were on the floor. What in the hell?! I recognize the bodies. They were the bandits but who the hell did all this?!

Forest's sickle was also stained with blood. I touched the edge and it was sharper than usual. Battle sickles exist but I'm pretty sure Forest's sickle is just used as a farming tool.

The sickle was fully refined. His old sickle had a few chipped places. This one was fully fixed and the blood was almost shining on the bladed part.

Did Forest decapitate them with a sickle?! I know it was self defense but how the hell did Forest do that? I knew he was a little violent but this was overboard!

You know what, I'll ask what happened after Devan and Forest wakes up. For now, I gotta properly cure my wound.

I sat down onto a log and unzipped the medical backpack. I unwrapped the weak bandages and the amount of dried blood revealed. Whoever bandaged me is absolutely horrible at this.

I poured some water over the dried blood. The blood mixed with the cottony feeling of the bandages did not go well with water. The water just stung the almost flakey blood.

Eventually most of the access blood was cleaned and the main wound. I patted the remaining water on the wound with a towel and spilled some hydrogen dioxide onto the infliction.

The pain was immeasurable. I never though pain could become this bad. You know what, it's fine. I let the liquid soak in for a bit before patting it dry too.

I picked up the last bit of bandages and wrapped it tightly around the now cleaned wound. It hurt when I tightened it but whatever. I tied it into a knot and stood up.

I walked around for like 5 minutes until Devan woke up. I walked over to him and helped him get up from the floor.

"Thanks Ollie. How's your arm?" Devan asked.

"It's better now but whoever treated it last night did a horrible job," I sighed.

"It was Forest haha. Anyway, we have some catching up to do," he laughed.

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