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Ollie POV
"One more thing, you three haven't awakened your powers by any chance right?" she asked. That questioned gave me a chill down my spine for some reason.

"Actually I did awaken mine!" Forest said happily.

"Oh, interesting. Well, since you guys came from the orphanage, you guys are looking for the Chancing Star right?" the elder asked.

"Yeah we are," Devan replied.

"There is one more village right before you reach the tower. There you'll meet a few combat masters. Although I do advise you to buy some things off of the market in this village. The few coins you guys have will not supply you guys for the journey. The next village is very far from here. Take Gorge and go buy some food and other items. You'll need it," she advised.

"Alright sure! Gorge is the villager who greeted us right?" Devan asked.

"That's right. He's talking with Tersa in the other room. You guys can go buy a couple things for your journey," she smiled.

Devan nodded in response as the village elder got off the couch and left the house, closing the door behind her.

As Devan stood up I whispered to him and Forest to sit down. I'm still not completely sure if this place is safe.

I told the two to follow behind me quietly as I creeped up to the door to the other room. We put our ears to the door and we heard something horrifying.

"Yes Elder, you want me to knock them out as we're shopping right? Okay, and bring them to your house correct? Why do you even wanna kill them? Ah, last time. Still haunted by that huh? Alright," Gorge talked. The words caused a slight gasping sound escape from Devan's mouth.

"Who's there?" Gorge asked. I then heard loud footsteps coming from the room and the door busted open.

"You three?! How much did you hear?!" Gorge panicked.

"Elder! They know!" he yelled.

I tried to run but the front door crashed open with the elder standing in the doorway.

"I was gonna let you guys stay conscious for a bit more but since you guys found out, I'll just do it now!" the elder yelled.

"Gorge! Put them to sleep!" the elder added.

I tried to take Forest and Devan's hand and run but Gorge waved his hands around the air and a white colored fume started exhausting from his palms.

The fume covered the air so fast I didn't know what to do. I assumed that the fume was sleeping gas so I covered my nose with my arm but the fume was faster than me. I inhaled the fume and I started getting dizzy. I saw the elder walk up to me as I fell onto the floor and passed out.

I woke up with my hands tied behind my back and my ankles tied to a pole. The room I was in was huge. It was rectangular shaped and in the middle was 3 poles. All three of them was unreachable from my position.

Devan and Forest was tied to the other poles and I assume is also unable to reach the other poles. Forest and Devan was awake but why isn't Forest using his power?! I know he can't control it but at times like these, he should be able to force something out!

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