Chancing Star

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Narrator POV

"C'mon don't be so rough with me," Trap teased as Ollie threw him onto the floor.

"Now what Trap? We technically beat your stupid tower," Forest coughed as he wiped off excess blood off of his face.

"Untie me first. My ability doesn't work if you guys aren't knocked out. I have no intentions of harming anybody," Trap promised.

"You can trust him, he really doesn't have any way to hurt you guys. Even basic hand to hand combat he still fails miserably," Celeste yawned.

"Oh Celeste, don't be so harsh with your words," Trap giggled as the strings around him fizzed away.

"You're name is Celeste?" the trio looked over to Celeste.

"Indeed," Celeste confirmed.

"Beautiful name," Devan hummed.

"I'm flattered," Celeste grabbed Devan's hand.

"Anyway, do you guys have any questions for Celeste or I?" Trap questioned the trio.

"What was the use of the orphanage?" Devan eyed Trap with suspicion.

"How about I just tell you the whole story? Long ago I was traveling alone in the north and found the Chancing Star. I've obviously heard of it and with my ability, I contained it. I never had any wishes but I knew if the wrong person got their hands on the Chancing Star, the world of Narzia will be corrupted. That's why I made the tower, to make sure those who are worthy can get a reward of their lifetime! I built this whole tower myself, and you're probably wondering how I got all these henchmen huh? First I needed somebody with a resurrection ability, that would be Celeste. Some of my friends agreed to work for the tower too. Everybody that's working for the tower right now are all my friends. The bodies of them are probably all crushed...too many of them are dead for Celeste to revive then anyway. It pains me to know that I won't see them again but it's fine. The orphanage was my idea yes. So I made my scouts of this tower to attack the villages. Take the children and if the parents defy me, they die. Once the children turn 18 in my orphanage, I make them work for my tower too. If they don't comply, they die too. The 3 villages that led up to the orphanage was supposed to only be taxed by me. Soon I found out the caretaker of my orphanage was letting children out. Those children then learnt from the villages just to die and perish in this tower. Once I found out, they go through some unpleasant things but it was they're fault. That's the story," Trap explained.

"So you contributed in killing my parents?" Devan looked pissed.

"Woah there, calm down. They tried to resist. If they didn't, I would've transported them to the three villages near the orphanage," Trap nervously smiled.

"Devan calm down. I think I can revive your parents," Celeste encouraged.

"You're heart is literally on the brink of death. It's fine. I think my parents are happy up there anyway. This cruel world does not deserve to be inhabited by my parents," Devan sighed.

"I just want to get an apology," he added as he looked at Trap.

"I'm sorry kid," Trap lowered his head as he said that. There was silence until Forest decided to break it.

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