
13 1 0

Devan POV

I twirled the three dices above me as it slowed down eventually. It landed on another three symbols, none that I could infer.

Without thinking, I was blasting explosions and fire from my hands. I blocked with shards of ice and I could teleport wherever I wanted. My power seems to be extremely good but I can't underestimate Thrash.

"Skill: Deathly Reaper," he bluntly said as he rushed at me with an after image of the grim reaper.

"Skill: Lucky Reverse," I said after as Thrash crashed his enhanced attack onto a giant die I spawned.

Once his sword collided with the die, the die started to roll. It landed on a 6 and suddenly Thrash took 6 of his own attacks to the body.

"Oh for fuck's sake! What kind of stupid ass ability is that?!" Thrash complained as he coughed up some blood.

"You're not winning this fight, just admit it!" I discouraged with a cough.

"I don't want to hear that stupid mouth of yours mutter another word!" Thrash raged as I felt a burst of Ori come out from Thrash.

"You know, I suggest you to not piss Thrash off. His power has a passive ability where his power scales with how much anger he has. The angrier he is, the stronger he gets. If you wanna beat him then you should do so in a quick manner," the white haired woman said from inside of me again.

"How are you even speaking to me?" I quietly whispered out loud.

"Focus on the fight, not on the curiosity," I heard her chuckle with that statement.

I took in what she said to me as I focused my eyes on Thrash. This fight is right out of a battle in a show but this is real life. Thrash rushed at me with a black energy surrounding him. I assume that's his Ori.

I did the same trick as when Red tried to rush me. I waited till the last second before moving away and Thrash crashed into the wall. I took the time while he was stunned to freeze him into the wall and take the gold and black die out of my pocket.

"Before you roll that die, those symbols are very important. If you roll the brute force symbol, you'll get the strongest brute force ability. It's called Infinity and you'll be able to buff your attributes to an infinite amount. The more you buff, the more Ori you use. Magical force will give you something called Ability Overseer. You'll be able to use most abilities. Conjure will give you Absolute Summoning. You can summon anything you desire. Support gives you time slowing. The X symbol gives you none of the abilities. The last one...I hope you don't roll. You can only roll your gold and black die once every thirty minutes. Use it wisely. You'll get to keep your special rolled ability until you roll your gold and black die again. All of these skills are going to need a lot of Ori. I suggest you to not use your gold and black die every chance you get. I'll have more information for you later but it takes a lot of Ori for me to do things like this. Hold out until I can speak again," the white haired woman informed.

"Thank you," I said as I rolled the die.

Thrash struggled to break through the ice as the die bounced across the floor. It finally stopped and facing up was the magical force sign. Following that, I felt my body light up with Ori and Thrash bursted out of the ice.

Upon a Roll of a DieWhere stories live. Discover now