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Celeste POV

I sat on the platform horrified from the sight of Devan transforming. I didn't think he would actually roll it, and since he did he's going to be screwed.

The first time you transform, you'll be greeted by the entity you're going to transform to. They're all evil and will ask to take control of the body. If you're dumb enough to agree to it, the entity won't be giving the body back. Not until they die or get knocked out at least.

The entity will have full control over if they're in the transformed body or in the normal
body. Devan's entity is definitely a dragon from what I can infer. The dragon is gonna have full control over everything, I need to stop this.

"Oh Celeste, I haven't had such an amazing show put on for me in so long!" Trap gleefully said from right next to me.

"Trap, I know I have signed the contract to serve you forever but I can't let this happen. Two transformed beings, one with full control and another with none. This is putting the whole world of Narzia in danger!" I objected at Trap's sentence.

"Celeste my dear, did you forget you only follow my commands? You signed that contract which gave me permission to put that talisman on you. If I say you can't do something, you don't," Trap harshly stomped his foot and I was forced onto my knees.

"You! I can't believe you'll let something like this happen you...bastard," I yelled as I felt a hand strike my face.

"Shut up and let me enjoy the show," Trap sighed as I looked down at Devan and Thrash.

The whole tower has crumbled by now, there was two dragons looking at each other menacingly. One with a black and gold coloring, that should be Devan. The other was Thrash, I need to somehow stop this.

"Thrash I swear to hell if you don't unbind me, I'll do something I might regret," I threatened hoping for some kind of attention from Trap. The only response I got was a chuckle.

"Fine, you leave me with no choice," I said slowly.

"You wouldn't dare. Remember what happens if you use your ability on me?" Trap laughed harder.

"So what if my family dies if I use my power on you? They never cared for me, they only acted like they care when you proposed the deal to me. They can die now for all I care!" I rebutted as I put my hands together.

"Defiant bitch," Trap muttered as he sent a hard blow to my neck that knocked me out.


Finally I'm back from training, although I kind of liked it back there. It's better than being a housemaid for my family I guess.

I walked through my front door and my family was talking to a stranger. I assumed he was probably just some random friend as I started to go to my room. That's what I thought at least until I got called over.

"Celeste my dear, this man named Trap is very fond of your power. He says he want's to make a proposal for us. You go with him and follow him every order, and we will have all the riches in the world!" my mother said to me.

"Us? Do you mean everybody but me?" I sighed.

"Oh stop with that! Just take the proposal! It'll do good for our family, don't you want that?" my father added.

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