Part Four- Does Dreams Ever Come True

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Early morning 6 am,
Ram starts his jog and slowly other boys and Urmi join him for the jog. Its their routine to jog for 40 min and then do their regular works. Maithili too have a habit of doing yoga, she goes to the terrace of the apartments and do her regular yoga. Manvi and Keerthi prefer dieting instead of all the fuss. Urmi after her jog with the boys goes to home. This way a new day started.

Maithili after her yoga has a cup of green tea and then gets ready for her routine. Maithili got ready wearing a lavendour colour suit in which she is looking stunningly beautiful.
There all the friends too get ready for their daily routine. Urmi like always dresses in her casuals, an orange t-shirt and ragged jeans. All the boys are also ready, all wore their respective jeans and t-shirts. Ram wore a red one and Laksh green. By 9 am all are ready except Manvi and Keerthi. As there is a week time for college, Bharat and Shatrughan plan a road trip. Everyone agree for it except Ram. He is really in no mood for enjoyment. He makes an excuse that he should help his father with some work.

By 11 am everyone meet at CCD and decide to go to Lonawala. As per fixed time, everyone leaves to Lonawala in two cars; one is Urmi's car, another is Laksh's cat.
Maithili keeps herself busy in bathing the puppy, dropping her brother to school and even she cooks lunch. Its 2 pm, she is completely bored. There Ram keeps himself busy with painting. He paints Maithili from back with long silky wavy hair. After finishing the painting work, he feels disturbed about something. He silently have his food and decides to go out to have some fresh air. Maithili too asks her aunt and comes out for a walk. She walks down the road and enters the market, where the board reads 'buy one get one free'. She feels not to get into the crowd and sits on the bench beside the road just in front of the market. She just observes the people passing by.
Ram mounts his bike, plays his favorite list and put the headphones in his ears and then wears his helmet. He starts his bike and at a maximum speed comes down the same market road. Maithili is observing him and thinks to herself, 'what if he involves in an accident.'

Suddenly a 3 year old cute little girl comes in middle of the road. Ram does not see her. Maithili suddenly raising from her place runs to the middle of the road and shouts loudly to stop the bike. Ram is confused as he could not hear what she is telling. He keeps on horning. He is totally confused as he is not able to see the baby behind her.
Maithili finally give up shouting and decides to save the baby and then she turns back. Ram realizes it's Maithili and applies break. But it's of no use, as he is so close to her. Maithili hugs the baby to protect her. Ram manages to reduce the bike speed but fails to stop it and the bike hits her. Eventually Maithili falls down and her feet is badly crushed under his bike. She screams out of pain. Ram stops his bike. He removes his helmet and headphones and reach her. All the people gather, Maithili feels relieved that the baby is fine. Ram realizes his grave mistake and apologizes her. He sees her foot is badly crushed and is heavily bleeding. He swiftly gets first aid box to help her. Even before he cleans her wound, few men from the group get hold of his collar and start dragging him. He pleads to help her first. There takes place a big argument. Ram explains that he is at fault and for that he apologizes them. He questions the mob, is he the only person who is at fault. Is it not the child's mother's fault to leave her baby on streets. Soon the baby's mother appears from no where and accuses him and offends him. Ram's concentration is on Maithili on the ground beside him, struggling to getup and wincing in pain. He asks the mob that because of their fault Maithili is hurt. As Ram takes her name, Maithili is surprised, how does he know her. Maithili's blood does not clot. Ram worries and gives her his hand. She tries to getup with his support. The baby's mother raises her hand to slap Ram. Maithili stood up on her other leg and came in front of Ram and took the slap. Everyone are shocked.
Maithili: (to the child's mother) Do you want to slap more! Go ahead. I deserve your slap as I always involve in something and ends up hurting myself. It's your mistake to leave your child on road and now you blame others. Thank him instead, he atleast managed to stop the bike. I know he may have panicked to see me in the middle of the road. He put all his efforts and stopped his bike, otherwise your baby wouldn't have survived.
Everyone stood numb and Ram too. Slowly the crowd realizes the mistake and apologize to Ram and everyone except Ram disperse. Maithili smiles that everyone left her without helping her. She looses her balance and as she falls back, Ram catches her. He is worried for her. He tries to clean her blood but it keeps on woozing. Maithili is now unable to stand. Ram lifts her into his arms and swiftly walks down the road, leaving his bike behind. Maithili keeps on staring into his eyes and eventually drops her head on his shoulder. She is unconscious now. Ram increases his pace and walks down the street carrying her in his arms.

To be continued...

In next part,
Ram admits Maithili in hospital. Urmi day dreams about Laksh and realizes that she loves him.

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