Part Six- Does Dreams Ever Come True

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At Lonawala everyone after the waterfall go for trecking. Urmi feels very uncomfortable. Till now she enjoyed the beauty of Lonawala but now she is in no mood to talk to anyone. Everyone tried to cheer her up but she is battling her own mental tussle. Laksh doesn't understand the reason for her frustration. She did not talk to him nor shared an eye contact. She is completely avoiding him. Even Laksh got irritated with her behavior. While trecking Urmi slipped, but Laksh saves her from fall. She is now more irritated, "what the hell Laksh, why did you help me?? I can take care of myself and don't need you. Why don't you get out of my mind???"
Urmi runs far away and cries her heart out.
All the others are shocked with her behavior. They ask her, why is she over reacting in such an extreme manner. She says sorry and leaves the place. She really felt bad for her behavior. She is now not able to suppress her feelings. Laksh's presence around her makes her heart pound out of her ribcage. After she realized her love for him, its even more hard to stay around him. If at any point she blurts out she would lose her best friend forever. There are chances of Laksh loving her back, but she is more worried, what if he doesn't feel anything for her.

She ran to a very far distance from all. She never expected that the trip will turn out this way. She stands still in the middle of the path alone shedding her tears. Urmi never ever cried this way, "why are my tears not stopping".
Laksh is observing Urmi from a distance. He thinks, "what's wrong with Urmi??? If she feels bad, why do I care for her??? We have been enemies since childhood. May be we are not enemies!!! Today I really feel alone if she doesn't talk to me. Now I realize the pain if she avoids me. What if she doesn't talk to me anymore. No!!! I can't even think of it, even in my dreams. Because....... because....... I really.......... really...... love her".
Laksh now understands his feelings for her and smiles widely, " I love Urmi". Laksh loves Urmi. " How dumb I was. These many years we were together, but I never realized what I feel for her, my dearest enemy, my love and now my life. Thanks a lot Urmi. Because I would have never understood your importance in my life if you did not behave with me as you did now ".
Urmi unaware of Laksh's realization decides to never ever tell Laksh that she loves him.

A beautiful sunset of Lonawala go unnoticed by everyone.
Urmi returns to the starting point of their treck. Her eyes are red like amber. It is so clear that she cried. No one questioned anything. Urmi gives her car keys to Bharat and asks him to drive the car. Its 7:30 pm when they reach home. Urmi quietly walks to home, remembering the bitter sweet moments of the trip. Laksh decides to talk to her the next morning.
Everyone reach their respective homes. Now even Manvi and Keerthi feel something is wrong and ask Urmi. She breaks down and tells them everything. They try to console her. After crying for so long, Urmi finally wipes her eyes. Manvi and Keerthi advice her to tell everything to Laksh. Urmi asks them, " if you guys fall in love with Bharat or Shatrughan, then what will you do". They both are shocked. Urmi takes a promise from them that they won't talk on this matter again.
At Ram's home, he constantly thinks of how Maithili saved him from the enraged crowd, how she took his side in front of everyone, how she took the slap and the way he carried her. He could not sleep. There Maithili suffers from high fever. Unfortunately she doesn't remember anything nor she feels the same way as Ram feels for her. She after taking her medicine goes into deep sleep. Laksh shares his new found love with everyone. He immediately comes out on a walk to meet Ram.
Ram who is sleep deprived too, come out on a walk. Ram now just started liking her, love is not in his mind. He really admires her character.
Laksh comes running towards him and hugs him. Ram is surprised at his gesture. Laksh shares everything with Ram. He smiles and tells him, "I already knew you both loved each other. It is you people, never gave any importance to your feelings. I am really happy for you Laksh. Urmi is really perfect for you. I am damn sure she loves you, but you tell her what you feel".
Laksh decides to propose her the next day.

After two days.......
All the friends are together except Urmi. The boys questioned Manvi and Keerthi, "two days have passed. Neither Urmi came out for the jog nor our casual meeting at CCD. What happened to her". Manvi and Keerthi kept mum. Ram advices Laksh to go to her house.

At Urmi's house, Urmi wore a 3/4th jeans and a cream colour top. She really did not bother about her attire. She didn't even comb her hair, its all ruffled. But even though she looked stunningly beautiful the way she is. She feels suffocated even in her air conditioned room. She goes to the terrace to have fresh air. She is used to sit on the big cement overhead tank, which seems like a room over the terrace. Laksh reaches the main gate of Urmi's place and parks his bike. Urmi climbs the iron ladder of the overhead tank. She walks in trance, as the place reminded her of the time spent with Laksh in Lonawala view point. Overhead tank has no railing. Laksh lifts his head to see Urmi standing at the edge of the tank. He calls out loudly but in vain. He literally runs up the seven storied building, reaches the terrace gasping. He then climbs the iron ladder and calls out her name. She is not in senses. She is about to step forward, Laksh pulls her back. He shouts at her, "what are you doing?" Urmi is still in trance. She tells him, " I don't love you Laksh". He takes her into a bone crashing hug. She now realizes that Laksh is really there.
Laksh: You really don't love me?
(Urmi could not resist herself and starts crying badly)
Laksh: (wiping her tears) You fool. Why are you resisting yourself? This is what you think of me? Now answer me?
Urmi: (hugs him crying her heart out) I didn't want to loose you, our friendship at the cost of my love.
Laksh: (smiles) You know if anything happens to you, Laksh will not live. You really don't understand what I feel for you...... I love you.
Urmi smiles over her tears and hugs back Laksh, the love of her life contently.
Later Laksh kneels down in front of her and asks her if she loves him. Urmi smiles and just nods her head.
Laksh: Then accept me as your slave, my highness.
Urmi hits him hard for his over action, kneels down saying 'I love you' and hugs him.
This way ending the hatred of their love-hate relationship, Laksh and Urmi accept each other as life partners for ever and ever.

To be continued...

In next part,
Urmi and Laksh declare everyone about their love.
Maithili slowly starts walking with a walking stick. She sees the positive side of Ram.
Maithili and Ram become friends.

Hope you guys liked it.
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Will update the next part soon.

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