Part Thirteen- Does Dreams Ever Come True

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Manvi first calls Maithili and tells her that she proposed Bharat and now they are in a relationship. Maithili congrats her. Urmi and Keerthi are shocked to over hear her conversation. After she disconnects the phone, they start beating her with pillows.
Manvi: Guys! I am sorry, I should have told you earlier, but this realisation is all the sudden.
They all discuss about what had happened.
Soon after Maithili cuts Manvi's call, she receives Ram's call. She lifts the phone.
Maithili: Hello!
Ram: I am sorry to call you at this late hour.
Maithili: Its ok Ram. Is everything ok?
Ram: I wanted to talk to you regarding our friends, now Manvi.......
Maithili: (interrupts in between) I know about Manvi and Bharat and I also know you are tensed how will we balance everything. But don't worry Ram, all our friends are intelligent enough and are capable of taking their own decisions. We should understand them and give them some space.
Ram: (surprised) How did you know that I will ask you the same question?? Shall we warn our friends???
Maithili: Its so simple Ram. You really care for them a lot. I realised it when you were about to tell me of Manvi and Bharat. Ram: What's wrong if I warn them as a friend?
Maithili: Ram! We can't force our opinions on our friends. They will surely join in achieving the dream of their life. We should give them some time to tackle the changes in their own personal lives. Ram! Tomorrow you are not going to give any advice to them, they will slowly come back to their routine.
Ram: Ok Maithili, I think you are right. I will not discuss about this with them, and thank you so much for helping me out when I am confused.
Maithili: Ram, you need not thank me. Did you forget that we are friends? Please don't embarrass me saying sorry. First I too felt the same way as you are thinking now. But then I just thought in their point of view.
Don't over think, now to go sleep. Good night.
Ram: Good night Maithili.

Laksh and Urmi are on phone the entire night talking random things. Manvi tries her favourite dress given by her mom as she is so happy. Both are busy in their own world. Keerthi thinks to herself, " what happened to my friends, they don't seem the same anymore. Urmi, our lady gangster who till yesterday disliked being girly, is behaving like a girl and Manvi really has gone mad, she had a bad accident yesterday and she needs rest, but look at her, as if nothing happened. I am confused. Why are they trying to change their own self? I think I should shift to the hostel tomorrow, or else I will go mad staying with these ones". She covers herself with the blanket and goes to sleep.

Early in the morning, Ram waits for his friends to begin their regular jog. Soon Shatru joins him, but Bharat, Urmi and Laksh do not turn up. Maithili does her regular yoga. After finishing their work out Ram and Shatru are talking, Maithili sees them from terrace and comes down to meet them.
At 7:30, Keerthi wakes up and is shocked to see Urmi fast asleep, as she always goes on jog with the others. There Maithili, Ram and Shatru discuss about the first change in their friends' behaviour.

All of them turn up at the college. Laksh, Bharat and Urmi say sorry to Ram and Shatru for not being at the morning jog session. Ram and Shatru reply, "its ok guys". The classes commence and heavy hectic schedule for the month is already pasted on the notice board in their classroom and new professors introduce themselves and the lectures begin.
Finally its lunch break. All the friends have their lunch in the canteen. The second session begins after lunch break. Ram, Maithili, Shatru and Keerthi notice that their friends are missing from the class.
Laksh holds Urmi's hand and they sneak out of the college campus and, Bharat and Manvi too come out of the college. Leaving their college both the couples ride off on their respective bikes.

Laksh and Urmi reach Osho Park in Pune. The park is famous for different kinds of trees and is a nature spot.
Urmi: Laksh, I am so excited. This is the first time we bunked the college without even informing our friends.
Laksh: I should have at least informed Ram. What will they think about us?
Urmi: Oh come on Laksh! They are our friends and of course they will understand us.
Laksh: Why are you behaving so girlish these days. Is it because of me? I am really surprised, if a girl falls in love she will change herself to this extent.
Urmi: If a girl falls in love, then everything matters to her is her boyfriend's happiness. She will do anything for him.
Laksh: (pulling her close to him) Is it?
They are inches apart from each other, lost in each other's eyes. Laksh leans forward more closer to her. She can feel his hot breathe over her tender lips. She suddenly pushes him back and runs away. He follows her. Urmi is all blushing. Laksh calls out to her in a romantic voice to which she turns back and hugs him tight. The nature over there witnesses a beautiful romance between them. They come more closer to each other and the water underneath witness their illusion in them.

Same scene shifts to Vetal hill, Pune. Manvi and Bharat gets down from their bike. Bharat tells Manvi that this is the highest point in Pune city.
Manvi: Is it any place where lovers go for the first time. Vetal hill!!! Bharat, the place looks scary.
Bharat: Don't worry sweetheart, I am here to save you.
Bharat and Manvi walk to the highest point, after sometime Manvi feels her head is paining. Bharat lifts her in his arms and climb the hill top. Manvi shouts, "I love Bharat" so loudly, as if whole Pune can hear her. Bharat tells her, "Manvi, I am so lucky to have you in my life". Both of them hug each other. They both talk about random things sitting over there, till sunset. After sunset, they travel back to home.
Laksh and Urmi too reach home after their first ever romantic date. It has been a beautiful day for both the couples.

To be continued...

In next part,
Ram defines his opinion about true love to Maithili.
Distance gradually increases between friends.

Will the friends try and resolve the differences in group....
Will update the next soon...
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