Part Twelve- Does Dreams Ever Come True

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After two hours.... All the friends now wait calmly for Manvi to come into senses. It has been a terrific day for all of them. Ram asks the girls to leave as they should attend college tomorrow. Everyone do not agree at first, but later after convincing a lot they leave. Laksh goes with Urmi and Keerthi, and Shatru goes to drop Maithili.

Maithili asks Shatru what does he feel when his friends fall in love.
Shatru: For any person to fall in love, they should have spent enough time with each other. All of us are together for 3 years, we all naturally bond with each other, but we are inclined to someone in the group and share a separate bind which needs no words to explain. That special bond is love, but we really come to know it's worth when we experience the fear of losing them.
Maithili: The do you feel the same with Keerthi, as I saw you always stay with her and help her.
Shatru: It may be love. I never thought about it. Don't take me wrong, even if I love her I don't want any commitments right now. We have dreams and I think it is time we should concentrate on them.
Maithili: I really feel so happy that you are acting wisely, you are not alone we will work together for establishing our career.
He drops Maithili home and while returning to the hospital, he thinks of what Maithili said.
Laksh and Shatru reach the hospital.

Its 6 pm, when Maithili reaches her house. She shares everything with her aunt. She later helps her brother in his project work.
There doctor informs that they can meet Manvi as she is fine now. Bharat walks out of the hospital, then Ram, Laksh and Shatru meet Manvi. Everyone hug her and tell her that she scared them. She looks for Bharat. Laksh tells her how Bharat found her when she is lost in the jungle and all. Just then Bharat enters the room with lots of balloons of all colours, as Manvi loves balloons. Everyone leave the room leaving him alone with her. He comes closer. Manvi notices the blood stains on his shirt. She can imagine how he might have carried her in his arms. Her eyes welled up with warm tears. Bharat goes near her and asks, "is it paining! Wait I will call the doctor". He turns around, Manvi stops him by holding his hand. She pulls him down and make him sit beside her. She smiles through her tears. Bharat wipes her tears lovingly. She hugs him tight and tells, "when I fell in that trap, I thought I will never be able to see you again. I thought I will....". Before she tell anything, Bharat slightly taps over her head and says, "don't you dare say a word more". She hugs him more tightly holding the bunch of balloons in her hand. She tells him, "I love you Bharat".
Bharat is surprised, shocked, confused, but he is extremely happy to hear the three magical words from her. He tightens his grip on her.
Manvi: Bharat, you may be confused right now, but I am really sure about it. I am ready to love you till the end of my life.
(Bharat slowly loosens his grip over her and coming out of the hug, he looks into her eyes which are filled with love and compassion for him.)
Manvi: What do you think of it?
Bharat: Manvi, I really don't know, but I can say one thing. The moment I saw you in a pool of blood, I felt that it was all because of me. For the first time I carried you in my arms. I felt like running for my life. When they sutured your forehead I myself was in pain. When I took you ony lap, I was hell scared as your body was turning cold gradually.
Bharat's eyes welled up and tears flow down his cheeks. Manvi wipes them out with her soft hands, cupping his face bringing him closer, places a soft gentle kiss on his forehead.
Manvi: Bharat you need not tell me anything, you are such a fool. You love me more than I love you.
Bharat smiling at her hugs her tightly saying, "thanks for making me realise what do I feel for you. I love you Manvi, more than anything in the world".

Ram, Laksh and Shatru enter the room and tease them,
" I think we have missed something important. " Bharat and Manvi break their hug seeing them. Bharat is all shy and embarrassed.
Laksh: I never knew my friend feels shy too.
Manvi: Guys, please don't tease him, we are in love with each other.
Ram, Laksh and Shatru smile and say that the others missed out all the fun. Manvi throws a pillow at them.
Ram: Ok now let us leave, discharge is granted.
Bharat lifts Manvi happily and along with others leave the hospital premises. Manvi asks everyone not to inform anything to her parents as she is fine now.

Bharat, Laksh and Manvi leave for Urmi's house. Ram and Shatru are left. Ram asks Shatru to come to his house for dinner. They decide to walk. As they are walking, Shatru is in deep thought.
Ram: Shatru, what's wrong?
Shatru: Ram, I feel many things are changed now. Laksh and Urmi, Bharat and Manvi, I mean I am happy for them, but I am worried if this change in their status will effect our friendship and our goal.
Ram: Why are you thinking so much about that, did you forget Laksh and Urmi promised me that they would not neglect their career. Did you forget what we all promised that day.
Shatru: Ram, it's not that I am doubting them, but think of it, once if we accept our love we should be more responsible and more committed to that relationship. People can manage their studies even if they are in relationship, but I feel we cannot reach higher goals if we try to distribute our concentration.
Ram: May be you are right. Our goal of being number one and forming our own company is a supreme one. Till now all of us in the group worked day and night to top our finals. I hope even now we work same as we used to do.
Shatru: Its Maithili who raised the question, if I don't feel anything strange with the budding love between our friends.
Ram: Don't think about it too much. We all will discuss and resolve the problem.

Laksh and Bharat drop Manvi at Urmi's house and go to their respective homes. Shatru after having dinner at Ram's house, leave from there.
Ram tells his mom, that their friends are in love and he felt happy for them. He adds, "maa, but I want to ask you something. Does realising love and accepting it add up our responsibilities". His mom replies, "Ram, of course it will add up more responsibilities, as their expectations from each other change, and they will try to make their relationship a priority". Ram says to himself, "may be Maithili and Shatru are right. But I will warn others and ask them to be more focused".

To be continued...

In next part,
Maithili, Ram, Shatru and Keerthi discuss about being more focused and wait for their friends to arrive.
Laksh and Urmi, Bharat and Manvi plan for a day out, bunking their afternoon session.
All friends fail to meet.

How will they balance their love and friendship???

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