Part Seven- Does Dreams Ever Come True

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Laksh and Urmi come out of their dreamy world. They decide to tell everyone about their love. Laksh takes out his mobile and makes a conference call and asks everyone to meet at CCD. Within half an hour everyone reach CCD. Urmi announces that she loves Laksh, and Laksh proposes her in front of their friends. Everyone congratulate them. Ram asks them to sit. He tells them, "its so good that you both realized your love. I am happy for you, but guys remember one thing. Love is a wonderful thing that happens to every person. Its true. But you guys have to focus on your career and emerge out as successful people. So I want you guys to promise me that, you will not neglect your career with your new found love".
Laksh and Urmi smile and make a promise that their love does not come in their way of success. Ram smiles. He just stands up and walk to the corner. Laksh and Urmi follow him and ask him if everything is okay. He nods.
They return to the table and everyone makes a promise. Putting their hands together they repeat, "what ever may happen in our lives, we will always stay together. We will work hard for our dream of floating our own company. We will put all our efforts to emerge into a dynamic power. We will make ourselves feel proud and our parents who love us to the core. This oath for us is above everything".
This is the main motto of everyone in the group. This is how their friendship is; above everything. After spending a nice time together, everyone leave to their respective homes.

Ram walks to his home thinking of their friendship,
" Friends are so special like the twinkling stars,like the ocean that gently flows.
Friends are like a valuable treasure in one's life, one should preserve them for ever and ever.
Friends are angels who wish for your happiness and always makes one's life easy.
Friends are the ones who always trust each other and their hearts are always entwined.
I am so lucky to have them in my life as my friends.
Oh God! Please bless our friendship stay forever."

Ram thinks that exactly after 4 days, their college begins. This reminds him of Maithili. "I hope she is fine, it has been 2 days. After the accident I have not seen her around. Should I go to her home to check how she is". Ram drops that idea as she may not like it. He walks to the nearby park and see few girls and boys playing shuttle, opposite to each other in teams. Boys are all taller than girls and the girls are finding it difficult to reach the cock. They are trying hard. Boys keep on mocking at the girls. Ram goes nearer to them. He asks girls' team members could he join to play. They agree. The match restarts. Ram tells them how to service the cock in proper way.

Maithili is slowly regaining her strength. She slowly starts walking with the help of hand stick. Her aunt feels happy that she is recovering. Chandrashekhar and Sujatha are really worried about Maithili as she didn't spoke to them from 2 days. Sujatha insists to go to Pune. Maithili makes a skype call and everyone is relieved that she is walking and has regained her strength. Maithili happily talks to everyone. After speaking with them she disconnects the call.
Maithili's aunt: How are you feeling now?
Maithili: I am so tired of sleeping pinni. I want to go on a walk.
Maithili's aunt: No dear. You should take rest until you recover totally.
(Maithili convinces her)
Maithili's aunt: Shall I come with you.
Maithili: I will manage pinni. We have to face many hurdles in our life and this injury is such a small one. I will take good care of myself. You don't worry. I don't like being weak and want to grow more stronger in my life.
Now her aunt realizes that why her sister always used to say, "my daughter is never a responsibility to me, she is my pride and she is so mature and understanding".

Maithili takes her hand stick and mobile and walks out closing the door behind her. Its still paining a lot but she is so determined to walk and get back to her routine. Its 11:30 am. She reaches ground floor by lift. She walks out, even the nature is cooperating with her. Its cloudy. Cool breeze touching her feet makes her feel good. She is so happy to see the red flowers on the road. She prefers to take other way and explore the place. She starts walking, slowly dragging her foot. She balances herself before she stumbles. She thinks, "how important are our legs to us. I am not able to walk properly as my leg is injured, we will never realize the value of things until we lose them".

Maithili walks down the road wearing a lemon yellow colored long skirt with a baby pink color top matching her colour complexion. She boosts up herself.
" There is no destiny and every day is yours.
Life is so similar to the waves in sea which raise even more high when they fall.
I will take them as my inspiration.
Here I come, make way for me.
Oh my dear heart its our victory today, I am walking.
Now I take an oath to face all the struggles which come in my way, proudly with a smile on my face".
She slowly reaches the park.
Ram is cheering up the girls team. But they are not able to make the score against the boys. Ram taking the bat from a girls hand, walks in.

Maithili manages to reach the place. She sits at a distance. Ram alone play with the boys. He is so talented and the boys score goes down. Ram makes the girls team win the game. He calls all the boys. "Boys did you all realize anything? If you play a game with a less stronger opponent than you, you will only win. Today you lost this match as I am more stronger than you. You always mock at these girls that they lose. Doing so, they don't lose anything, its you senseless boys who are actually losing. They are doing a good job and as a good human you should respect and encourage them. If you criticize others you will never come up in your lives".
All the boys apologize to Ram and make promise that they will never do that again. Ram makes them apologize to all the girls. He advices them to be friends, as the friendship can win anything in this world.
Maithili who is listening to the conversation claps loudly. Ram turns back and sees her clapping. All the boys and girls start clapping. Ram gives the bat to the girl and runs to Maithili.

He kneels down before her to check if her wound started healing or not. Ram is really relieved to see her there. He takes her feet on his lap and slowly removes the bandage and tie it properly as it had become loose. Drops of tears from his eyes fall on her feet. Maithili is so touched at his gesture.
Maithili: Ram...... What is this?? What are you doing??
(Ram lifts his head as she called out his name. Maithili notices the tears in his eyes. She smiles at him.)
Maithili: I never knew that boys too cry!!!
Ram: (in painful voice) This was all my fault.
Maithili: No, it's neither my fault nor yours. You need not feel guilty for that. Do you know why did I defend you from the crowd?? (Ram now sits besides Maithili) Because you accepted your fault in front of everyone everyone. And I feel its so hard to accept one's faults in front of everyone. My hatred towards you vanished at the very moment. And now I realize you are such a pure soul.
(Ram smiles at her. He says sorry to her.)
Maithili: What for you are saying sorry??
Ram: I had carried you to your home in my arms. I understand being a girl you must have felt it so awkward.
Maithili: May be at that moment I must have felt so, but thanks for your help as I was unable to walk you helped me. Instead of thanking you I misunderstood you. I am sorry for that.
Ram: You need not say sorry for that.
Maithili: Now I really understood you are such a good person. From now on there will be no misunderstandings between us. Let us be friends.

Ram and Maithili shake their hands. He promises her that he will help her to walk until she recovers. He gets up and forwards his hand. Maithili taking the support of his strong arms and putting her weight over him, stands up. Ram firmly holding her with one hand and her walking stick in the other hand walk away from there.

To be continued...

In next part,
Maithili meets everyone in the group and their college begins with opening function.

Hope you guys liked it...
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I will try to update the next part soon.

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