Part Fourteen- Does Dreams Ever Come True

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That evening Laksh and Urmi, and Bharat and Manvi return to their homes after having their romantic dates. Ram, Maithili, Shatru and Keerthi gather at CCD.
Shatru: Guys! I can't believe, our friends have bunked the class.
Keerthi: I don't know whether this change is for good or bad. I am really confused. Its ok there was nothing important in today's class but what if they repeat it?
Ram: Guys, even if the class was not that important they should not have bunked the college just for no reason.
(Maithili is listening to everyone and she is quite.)
Ram: (to Maithili) Maithili, what's your opinion?
Maithili: Its just a day they are not with us, let it be. They will join back when they want to.
Ram: So Maithili in your opinion we should not ask them any justifications!
Maithili: Let us wait for some more days.
Keerthi: Ok! It's decided. Till they come back we won't interfere in their issues. I hope they will attend the study session tomorrow.
Everyone disperse from there.

Ram and Maithili walk down the street. Its 7 pm and a full moon day. Maithili lifts her head to see the full moon and bright stars in the sky. They look lovely.
Maithili: Ram, you don't mind if I hold your hand and walk. I like seeing the moon all the way till I reach home.
(Maithili holds Ram's hand moving closer to him. She lifts her head and seeing the moon and the stars walk with him. Ram is immensely pleased with her childish nature.)
Ram: Maithili, can I ask you something?
Maithili: Hmmm (she replies without looking at Ram)
Ram: Do you think our friends are really in love?
Maithili: How will I know? They should decide if their love is true or not.
Ram: What is true love for you?
Maithili: (smiles looking at him) Why are you asking such a weird question? Ok! I really never thought about love, but one thing I can surely say, true love is forever. True love stays strong during all troubles and true lovers never lose faith on each other however worse may be the situations are.
(Ram all the while stares at her)
Maithili: What happened?
Ram: What a supreme opinion you have on love!
Maithili: Ram, what is your opinion about love?
Ram: I never believed in love, but these days I feel it exists. True love for me is once in a lifetime. I feel everyone will be destined to someone in their life. One can really feel that connection when he/she comes into his/her life and that is true love which never expects anything and it is unconditional.
Maithili: (shakes him and asks him) Ram! You are speaking as if you have experienced it. Who is that lucky one who made you believe in love?
Ram: (smiles) There is no one in my life.
Maithili starts staring at the sky again as they walk. Ram looks at her and thinks, "how can I tell you that it was you I always feel connected to, but not this early Maithili. We have many things in our life that we have to achieve." Maithili suddenly turns to him and asks, "Ram, did you say anything?" Ram just smiles and says no. They reach the main gates of their sectors opposite to each other. Maithili tells good night to Ram and walks in, and Ram waits until Maithili leaves and walks in the other direction into his sector.
The beautiful night end with their beautiful conversation.

Next morning, Bharat, Laksh and Urmi again miss their jog session. Keerthi is packing her bags to leave for the college hostel. Urmi asks her she can stay for some more days, by then Manvi too will join her. Keerthi tells them, "its ok guys, I like to stay in hostel. Anyhow it's just a few days then Manvi too will join the hostel. Manvi, I will see you at the hostel." Taking her bags Keerthi leaves the room shutting the door behind her. She thanks Urmi's parents and then leaves the house. Manvi and Urmi feel the change in her behaviour.
Urmi: May be she is hurt that we didn't talk to her or may be we didn't inform about bunking the class!!!
Manvi: Urmi, not only Keerthi, others would be upset too!!!
How will we deal with them?

Its 8 am, Maithili's house.
Calling bell rings, Maithili opens the door and sees Keerthi. She asks her to come in.
Keerthi: Maithili, are you ready for the college? I know it starts at 9:30. Can you please accompany me to college a little early. I should join the hostel.
Maithili: Keerthi please come in!!!!
(Maithili's dog, Zeejo runs everywhere behind her.)
Maithili: Zeejo please keep quiet. I am in a hurry.
( Zeejo now silently sits at the corner.)
Maithili: (to Keerthi) Give me 10 minutes, I will get ready quickly and we will leave.
Its 8:30 am, Maithili and Keerthi reach IIMS, their college on Maithili's bike. They go to the girls hostel and after depositing the fee, the hostel warden allots Keerthi room no. 202. Keerthi requests the hostel warden not to allot the bed beside her to any others, as her friend Manvi will be coming. The warden first disagrees but later when Keerthi explains her about the accident, she agrees. Maithili helps Keerthi in unpacking and arranging the things in the room.

Everyone reach the college premises at 9:30 am. Ram, Shatru, Maithili and Keerthi wait for their friends, and soon the others arrive. No one questions them about their bunking of the college the previous day. Laksh, Bharat, Urmi and Manvi feel the difference in the behaviour of their friends. For the first time, all the members in the group are so silent. No one talks to the other. Everyone proceed to the class. Laksh says sorry to Ram for not being their in the routine. Ram calmly replies, "its ok Laksh". Laksh is hurt with Ram's behaviour. He never used to cut the conversation before like this. All of them attend the class. After the lunch, as usual Laksh and Urmi, also Manvi and Bharat do not attend the class. This goes on.......

After 10 days,
16 September........

To be continued...

In next part,
Maithili's birthday.
Ram tells his mother about Maithili.
Ram's mother, Shailaja Sharma meets Maithili.

Hope you guys liked it...
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The next part will be updated soon.

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