Part Eighteen -Does Dreams Ever Come True

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                   All the friends reach a restaurant to have their lunch. Everyone are busy in ordering and chit-chatting. Maithili is lost somewhere. She slowly gets up and walk out into the garden of restaurant. Ram follows her.
Ram: Maithili, what's wrong. Where are you lost?
Maithili: Ram, do you believe in the proverb, 'jab kuch pana hai toh bahoot kuch khona padta hai'?
Ram: Yes, it is true. But why are you asking me such question?
Maithili: Ram it's about our friends.
( Ram understands about what Maithili is talking.)
Ram: Maithili, I know what you are thinking about, even I feel one should temporarily give up their love for the bright future.
Maithili: We need not give up our love or sacrifice it completely as true love is forever,but I feel we guys should presently concentrate on our career.
Ram: Go on Maithili, share your opinion with all our friends. They will surely understand, and don't worry I am always with you.
Maithili smiles at Ram and walks into the restaurant. Ram thinks, "this is the reason why I am not able to express my love to you, as I too feel we should build our career right now."

                      Maithili gets back to their table. Everyone ask her, "Maithili when did you register the band?" Maithili replies, "the very next day after we came back from Matheran. I have decided it when I came to know, all of us are fond of music. It is my father's gift to me on my birthday." Everyone reply, " we can never compete with your father in giving you gifts." Maithili tells, "my nanna(father) is great." Ram too joins them in conversation. Maithili hesitatingly starts the conversation, " guys, if I ask you something please promise me you wouldn't get angry at me." Urmi and Laksh reply, " you are the birthday baby and can demand anything." Maithili asks them, "guys, Bharat, Manvi, Laksh and Urmi, can you guys sacrifice your love for just two years???"
All the four are shocked and there is utter silence. Ram tells, "guys I am with Maithili in her opinion. Take time and tell us your decision." Manvi and Urmi got up and walk away from the place and Keerthi follows them. Laksh and Bharat too leave all of the sudden and Shatru follows them.

                     Maithili is very sad with the on-going consequences. Ram stays with her to support her. Slowly tears make their way down her pink cheeks. Ram catches a drop of tear with his hand. He tells, "Maithili look at me. See this drop of tear in my hand and my hand can hold only few drops. If you cry so much I may not handle them. Maithili I never want to see tears in your eyes again. Never. I thought you are brave and I don't know who this Maithili is. Please stop crying." Maithili is so touched with Ram's concern towards her and just stares at him with her widened eyes. He gently wipes her tears with a tissue. He tells, "Maithili I know them very well, they will come back for sure. Let us wait. Your question is unexpected for them. Let them have their time to decide." She just nods her head. Ram and Maithili clear their bills and leave the restaurant.

                     There Shatru asks Laksh and Bharat to stop running away and face the truth.
Laksh: Shatru, we are not running away, and we are here just to find some answers.
Shatru: Guys don't be angry with Maithili's words. She did not mean to hurt you.
Bharat: This is what you know us Shatru. We are not angry at Maithili, in fact we are angry on ourselves. Please leave us alone. We need some time and we will meet you at the indoor stadium within an hour.
They both leave him behind.
           Manvi and Urmi sit down on the bench by the road side. Keerthi joins them, "guys, when you both were busy with Laksh and Bharat, I felt so lonely and deserted. Now please don't take any decision in a haste. I don't want to lose you and please don't misunderstand Maithili."
Urmi replies, " Keerthi I am not angry, in fact this is all of the sudden. So I just came out to think over. I know Maithili, she is very kind at heart and I cannot afford losing her too. I know I have completely changed after falling in love and completely neglected the studies in past ten days. Today I just realized after coming back into my routine that, love should be a part in our life not the entire life. In fact I should thank Maithili for putting forth this point, or else I will never be able to take such a bold decision. I am ready for this. "
Manvi: Yes, I felt the same. In fact Keerthi we were in the same room from past seven days and I never spoke to you. May be its because of the guilt that we are on the wrong track or its that we are keeping our friendship at stake for our relationship. Now I too realise I missed being happy in these days. I won't let this happen again. Maithili is really brave. She raised a question. Otherwise I would never think this way.
Keerthi: Guys, I am really proud to have you as my friends.
(they share a group hug)
Urmi: Ram loves Maithili.
Manvi and Keerthi : No way. Ram cannot love anyone. He hates love.
Urmi: He hated love, but now he is in love with Maithili. I know of him since childhood. I can sense it. But don't worry, he will never get carried away with the emotions like us. He is so balanced.
Everyone decide to go back to the stadium.

             Laksh and Bharat are just walking.
Laksh: You know, I felt so bad in these ten days for not even meeting Ram just once. I really did not like this change in my life. Our friends never complained, they just supported us and now too they have accepted us back in life that easily. I think we should do this for our career sake and for a happy life. What do you think?
Bharat: Let us sacrifice the love...

             Shatru reaches the indoor stadium and joins Maithili and Ram. Then Keerthi, Manvi and Urmi stop at the entrance. Maithili slowly gets up and starts walking towards them all tensed. Manvi and Urmi maintain a stern look. Soon Laksh and Bharat come and stand beside them. Maithili stops walking and stands rooted to the ground. Both the couples look at each other and just nodding their heads as a sign of approval, walk towards Maithili. They increase their pace and all of the sudden hug Maithili. Maithili is shocked, overwhelmed and hugs them back. All the four reply in unison, " we are ready for the sacrifice." Maithili breaks the hug and tells them, " this is not a sacrifice of anything, its just a test for your true love. Because true love is forever."
Soon others too join the group for a big reunion and have a selfie together.

To be continued...

In next part,
Drunkards in the colony roads tease Maithili and Urmi, someone saves them from their clutches.

Can you guess who saves them??

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Next part will be updated as soon as possible.....

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