Fort Winn

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I hurried my little feet through the dust and dirt of the la Belle street, kicking my boots through the dirt. I headed deeper into the town past the hotel, past the office, Past the undertakers, past the dry goods store, past the stables.

I smiled as I arrived at the little house I had been going to hitching my skirts out the dirt and fixing my little basket a rearrange, I knocked on the door a couple of times and his voice replied quickly.

"Who is it!" He called

"It's me whitey" I called back

"Ohh, come on in" he says

I smiled and opened the door heading inside, shutting the door behind me expecting him to be snuggled up in his bed this early in the morning as he had a day off from work today, maybe sat up at his table, but I couldn't see him.

"Whitey?" I asked looking around the little messy house but all that caught my eye was the fact the dining table was near the bed, covers all over it, the chairs around it. "What... what is going on?" I asked

"Hello" He smiled popping his head out the covers "hi darlin'"

"Hi whitey, what uhh what you got there?" I asked



"Fort Winn. Ya wanna come in?"

"Whitey you are an adult man"

"You're an adult" He whines going back in the blanket fort

"Whitey," I giggled going over to the fort trying to peak inside "I made you cookies"

"Cookies?" He asks

"Yes" I giggled

"What kind?"

"Blueberry" I smiled offering the little basket on the edge of his fort

"Blueberry? Do ya have apple juice?" he asks

"Yes whitey"

"Can I have the basket?"

"You can have the contents of the basket"

"Can I have the you?"

"Maybe, if you come out the fort"

"... do I have to completely come out the fort?"


"Will I get a kiss?"

"Maybe if you come out"

"....... Can I have cookies? A kiss? And you come in for a cuddle?"

"Fine" I sighed

"Yay!" He smirked grabbing my arm and dragging me in with him. 

Whitey Winn One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now