Lil Flower

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I sat on the little train watching the vast world hurry by, listening to the infinite chunting of the train's wheels, the gentle shaking of the furniture in the carriage, the little tinkle of the peals on the lampshade beside me. The smell of fresh Air coming through the open window, the scent of coal smoke from the train's engine car. I picked up the little sugar cube with the small silver tongs dropping two cubes into my tea, I picked up the cup and saucer having a prolonged sip. I saw across the way a dark cloud coming over, likely going to bring rain to this dry place.

I didn't let it worry me, I had bigger things to worry about. 

I gathered my things not wanting to leave anything behind when the train stopped at it's last stop a porter gathered my things for me and I hurried down to the platform, I saw a man stood there on the platform seemingly to be waiting 

"Excuse me sir?" I asked him, "Are you Mr Samson by any chance?'

"No, but you must be 'is young lady y/n. I've been asked to take you to the town"

"Ohh thank you sir" I nodded. He took my things to a carriage and I climbed aboard, getting settled for the trip to town to meet the man I had been arranged to marry. 

I looked out the window noticing the odd route we where taking I assumed we'd follow the roads but this was strange he was leading us almost into the trees and woods but perhaps he knew a shortcut or something, I was already beyond lost having never been here before and this funny route was making me feel queasy. The rain then started. It was a harsh storm, the rain battering the trees and carriage. Honestly, I was fearful of a flash flood given this rain. The dark sky and rain made the way we were taking even more of a secret to me as now it was dark and I could barely see much at all.

The carriage stopped, and my heart was racing, we couldn't be here already. Surely not there was no lights, no sounds of civilization, the man opened the door and looked at me funny, he looked me up and down with an evil grin "come 'ere sugar'' he smirked jumping on me pinning my arms behind me, I screamed and kicked him away I ran for the open door but he grabbed my hair and pulled me back grabbing my neck "ohh no sugar you're staying right 'ere with me" he smirked licking down my cheek

I Screamed and stomped on his foot running out the carriage as fast as I possibly could, my boots instantly sunk in the wet mud my dress saturated from meet seconds in the rain I tried to run but he pushed me over face first into the mud, he flipped me onto my back and began ripping and pushing my petticoats, I screamed and kicked fighting as much as possible trying to get him away from me.

I let my horse ted trot along the muddy rainy woods just outside of town. I was in a bad mood. I always go for a little trot when I'm in a bad mood. As much as I really liked louise I knew I had to forget about her, as much as I cared for her, her father would never allow us to be together and honestly I didn't want her to get hurt anymore then she already had, besides her father was marrying her off anyway even If she will always be my first kiss. I wanted to take my mind off girls, women, the whole concept. Not an easy task in labelle. So just walking in the rain cleared my mind for a while but I peeked up my hand instantly went to my gun I heard a scream. Instantly I kicked red and we rushed off on the director of the screams them getting louder and louder as we got closer until we turned into a clearing, a carriage sat loaded with bags and suitcases the door open, a man holding a woman down aggressively onto the wet muddy flower patch his hands up her dress as she screamed I didn't hesitate I grabbed my gun and shot him in the neck instantly he moved away from her laying in the mud 

"You fucker!" He yelled in pain "what's the matter with you boy"

"Names not boy, it's Whitey Winn. Now get. Before the next one goes through your brain" 

Whitey Winn One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now