The Rugged Cowboy

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I arrived at the small ex-mining town and tied my horse Lizzy to the post outside the hotel. I noticed immediately how empty the town felt but I suppose this late many people would be tucked in their beds. Still I expect more life then this, the hotel as quiet as a mouse only one light inside, the bar deathly quiet too.

"Curious and curiouser" I muttered more to me, myself and I as I brushed a little dust and dirt from my dress.

I heard a sound that made me look up, it was the wooden saloon doors on the bar creaking open, only the one. And a person emerged there hand still holding open the one side of the wooden doors dirt coated there clearly well worked and callis hands. Boots clopped onto the wooden bar porch with heavy steps causing the wood to creak no spurs or metal works to glint or clink. The feet within them took two firm steps onto the porch and stopped their legs apart, said legs where hugged closely by these pants made of an odd material leaving small textured striped thought-out them but vertical stripes almost giving the illusion of higher height. Which in all fairness did not help the illusion of thinness to his legs and body then again I wasn't so sure it was an illusion. On his hips sat two brown leather gun belts in polar opposite directions meaning he had a gun on each hip 45's or so I thought from here white handled and well cared for, the bullet belts crossed over his pants buttons one buckle at the front the other at the back. Meaning they both faced the way to be quickly drawn. A once white button down about his person hidden mostly below an off green and grey rough shirt with half buttons from the top down stopping at his stomach with no buttons any further, sleeves to his wrists, a deputy badge glinted in the evening light the pin of which stuffed not so straight thought his top pocket. His skin so dirty you could barely see bare skin, hair graced his upper lip even if It was straggly, Ill groomed and patchy where it clearly didn't grow well and yet he refused to accept it and let it grow anyway. A small amount tickled his chin but it was barely noticeable thought the dirt, he had chocolate eyes with small flecks of gold like honey in melted chocolate, long straggly unkept hair that looked as it had been washed in the fair year of 1881, like if you ran your hand thought it one your fingers would be lost In a forest of knots and you'd be left with enough grease on your hand to coat a frying pan. He pulled back his hair and sat on his head a light beige Stetson hat. Once it sat squarely on his head he chewed his inner lip and glanced about the place. 

He saw me and a smile crept to his lips, he staggered over, not drunk or confused more as if attempting to be aloof and have an air of distant confidence about him, or as I used to call it the 'aren't I attractive and mysterious' walk. The moment he got close to me I noticed his scent and I believed my concerns about when he last washed his hair may have been correct. As his body smelt as ripe as a cowboy could be as if on the trail for six months without bath or shower it almost made me want to step away from him.

"Howdy little lady" he smiled to me "ain't seen ya around these parts before?" His twang clear he was from here and likely didn't get much of a elocution lesson in his lifetime 

"Pleasure to meet you" I smiled not wanting to be rude to the boy 

"What's it brings a pretty little thin' like yaself to labelle then?" He asks 

"Just bought myself a little place here, I hoped for the peace and quiet" I answered "could you point me in the direction of the sheriff if you please" 

"He ain't here." He says "gone off... bloody hell knows where." He shrugs "but deputy Whitey Winn at your service little lady" he smiled offering his hand having already noted his hands dirt I almost didn't want to but I didn't want to be rude 

"Y/n y/l/n, charmed" I smiled letting him give my hand a kiss and his smile grew 

"So your y/n y/l/n. Whole towns been a buzz about ya" he laughed"I have to admit I didn't imagine ya bein' quiet so beautiful" 

"Thank you" I blushed a little

"I did give one of ya publishin's a read. Or well I tried to."

"Which one?"

"The garden of roses" he nods

"How'd you find it?"

"Beautiful but difficult"

"How so?"

"Alot of big words. Didn't get thought it in the end"

"Well I'll be happy to explain some of them if you'd like Master Winn"

"Ohh." He smirked "never had a young lady call me that before" he smirked "but I won't stop ya darlin'" he winked "I'll grab Mary Agnes I'm sure she'll know about ya house and all" he says 

"Thank you" I smiled

I expect him to walk off and find this Mary Agnes but

"OI! MAGGIE!" he yelled across town much to my surprise 

"What!" A voice yelled back

"That writer girls here!" 

"Coming!" She yelled back

"She won't be a moment" he says 

Soon enough the woman in question arrived

"Good evening miss y/l/n. Sorry about whitey" she said 

"It's quite alright, he was perfectly pleasant" I laughed 

"Bring your things we'll get you settled" she says 

"Of course" I smiled getting my horse 

"No. No let me little lady" whitey jumped in taking my horses rains 

"You're sure?"

"Course" he nods so I followed Mary Agnes to my little house much as it has been described to me she handed me the key and I got little Lizzy settled in the stable whitey unloading my things into my house for me 

"Thank you very much for your help Master Winn"

"Your welcome little lady. You've had a long enough trip. I'll let ya get settled. Ya need anythin' I'll likely be in the office. Or if ya can't find me, my house is just across the way" he says "ya need anythin' mornin', noon or night it's no trouble" 

"Thank you"

"Maybe if ya feelin' up to it in the mornin' I'd be happy to give ya a tour of town and all"

"That sounds lovely, but we shall see how the day goes"

"Course yeah. Well I'll get out ya hair" he laughed "I'm sure I'll be seein ya around miss y/l/n" he smiled giving my hand another kiss "I'll leave ya to your unpackin'" he says heading down from my porch 

"Master Winn?"


"Thank you for you kind assistance"

"No trouble for such a lovely lady" he smiled tipping his hat to me before he heading off into town 

I laughed a little but headed Inside unpacking all my things and rearranging some of the furniture it already had in it setting my typewriter on the desk next to the window seeing out the window the main track of town, the bar, hotel and even the office the light in and window clear to me seeing whitey sat there clearly attempting again to read one of my books I smiled and made myself a tea sitting down for a while loading paper into my typewriter unable to stop looking at the office window.

"Hummm..." I pondered "Chapter one The rugged cowboy" I smiled as I typed "upon arriving in the small old mining town I stopped and caught my breath 'Melody Lane' what have you got yourself into this time..."

Whitey Winn One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now