Chapter 2

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Louis' POV-

There was 10 minutes left of my shift. I'd been here since 11, and we were pretty dead until the evening. Now that it was 7, things were starting to pick back up, and I was glad I could clock out soon.

I work at a sport's bar-the Outfield. It's not the best paying job in the world, but it pays the bills. I rely mainly on tips, which aren't hard for me to get, as I seem to have a way of charming myself for both the ladies and the men. But mostly working day shifts proved more difficult, since the majority of people waited to come until the night to drink. Whenever a big game was going to be on was where the big money came from.

I couldn't complain about working mainly morning shifts, though. That meant I just had to wait for my replacement and didn't have to do any closing duties such as melting ice and locking the beer taps. Really, my only responsibility outside of mixing drinks was just to keep the counters wiped down and clean the barware after people were done.

As I finished counting my till from the cash drawer, my replacement, Nick, came walking in.

"Wassup, Bro" he smiled, his eyes scanning the customers that were sitting around the bar to get an idea of how busy tonight's shift would go.

"What's up?" I smiled softly.

"You ready to go home?" he walked behind the counter and propped up on his elbows beside me while I finished counting the cashbox.

I nodded, trying not to lose count.

"Any big plans for the night?" his eyes flicked up to the tv where a live volleyball match was going on.

I shook my head. "Honestly, probably going to crack open a beer and binge Netflix"

"That's the best" he smirked.

I finished counting the pennies before printing out the report and slipping it under the cash box. Hastily, I punched in my employee code and clocked out, then pulled the towel from my back pocket and slapped it down on the counter.

"I'll catch you later" brushing past him, I walked out of the space behind the counter and made my way towards the front door.

The hostess on duty gave me a small wave from the podium by the front door as I passed her, but I barely acknowledged her. I only had one thing on my mind right now-getting home and relaxing my sore muscles.

I wish I could pay someone to give me a massage at wherever they do that, but I was barely making enough to make ends meet as is.

After walking through the double glass doors, I strolled out into the tiny parking lot, that I'm pretty sure didn't even belong to the restaurant. I think they were just leasing it. Whistling, I twirled my keys around my index finger before stopping in my tracks. 

Across the street, I saw a girl-the girl-walking with a plastic grocery bag hooked on her arm. She was making her way to her own vehicle while looking down at the pavement.

That had to be her. I'd know that dirty blond, fashionably messy hair anywhere.

I jumped in my car and started the ignition as fast as I could. I wanted to make it over there before she got to her vehicle. There was something off about her, and I was weirdly determined to find out what it was. Maybe it was the way she acted so anxious around me, or possibly the way her boyfriend seemed to treat her. Not that it was any of my business, or anything. I guess I'm just a nosy person...

I sped across the street and into the parking lot of the grocery store. Instantly, I saw her, standing beside her car with the passenger door open. She was placing her purchases inside.

The parking spot next to her was vacant, so I whipped my car into it and pulled the gear shift into Park.

Without turning the ignition off, I pulled open my door and jumped out.  "Cecilia"

Startled, she whizzed around. "What the fuck? Oh...hey, you"

"Yeah, me" I frowned. "What are you doing here?

"What do you mean, I'm getting groceries?" she paused. "What are you doing here?"

"I work at the Outfield" I gestured to the sport's bar behind us.

She looked passed me for the visual aid before turning back to her door and repositioning her groceries so they wouldn't fall over when the car was in motion.

"So last night" I began. "I meant to ask you for your number"

"I'm sorry, what?" she looked at me over her shoulder.

"Your number" I repeated.

"I have a boyfriend, remember?" she raised an eyebrow at me.


"And I don't think he would like that very much" she shrugged. "I don't think any boyfriend would want their girlfriend giving her number to a random guy. Nor a girlfriend having her boyfriend give his number to someone, for that matter. Don't you agree?"

My arms dropped to my side. "Well if you didn't have a boyfriend, would you give me your number?"

She looked me up and down thoroughly. "Yeah, I'd say so"

"Can I see your phone?" I requested.

She narrowed her hazed over blue eyes at me before hesitantly reaching into her back pocket and handing it over. The lockscreen lit up to a picture of her and Jacob together at what looked to be a theme park.

"The passcode is 3726" she mumbled.

I typed it in and went to her contacts, plugging in my information for her.

"Jacob's going to kill me if he sees that" she said slowly.

"Well, fuck Jacob" I rolled my eyes, handing it back to her. "Speaking of which, does he treat you alright?"

"Of course he does" she scrunched up her nose. "Is that even your business?"

"Well, I just saw..." my voice trailed off, realizing I probably shouldn't tell her about the two girls her boyfriend was with.

She motioned her head for me to finish my sentence.

"Never mind" I waved off.


"Give me a call sometime" I smiled.

"Why should I?" she slid her phone back into her pocket.

"Or don't" I shrugged. "Doesn't bother me either way"

"Mhm" she said doubtfully. "I'll think about it. But seriously, I'm not going to text you while he's around"

"Does he not let you have guy friends, or something?" I tilted my head to the side.

She shook her head. "Nope, but I can understand it. He's been hurt before"

"Does he have girl friends?" I questioned.

She gave me a long, hard stare before shaking her head and walking around her car to the driver's side. As she climbed in, I stood there watching. She didn't give me a second look before pulling out of the parking space and driving towards the exit of the parking lot.

Sighing, but still smiling, I got back in my own car.

At least now she had her number. She seemed like a cool girl. Sure, she seemed slightly moody, but I could tell it wasn't me, it was something underneath she was hiding that was bothering her. The way her body language was-holding her arms over herself and keeping her fingers occupied shown anxiety. 

And I was pretty sure I knew who was responsible for that...

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