Chapter 28

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Louis' POV-

I spent a lot of time in my room trying to figure out something romantic to do to ask Cecilia to be my girlfriend. It was literally a couple hours before I had the best idea that I think I ever had in my life,  so I quickly acted to make it happen.

I let Cecilia know that I was going to run out to the store and grab some things for the fridge, since we had pretty much no food, but I also bought the things I needed to make my idea a reality.

I hadn't done anything this thoughtful for anyone before, and in a way, it didn't seem like me, however, it was only because I hadn't dated anyone in such a long time. It might take awhile to get used to what it was like again, along with making sure I got everything right in the way that I treated her.

I hadn't given her a single hint to what I was doing. Before I got out of my car, I had the picnic basket already put together in the trunk of my car. Picnics were so cheesy, but I'd always wanted to do one with a girl and she seemed like a picnic type of person.

I then brought in the rest of the groceries and put them away. Cecilia came walking in, her make up already done, but she was still wearing around the house clothes.

"Hey, Love" I smiled at her, putting the last of the perishables away.

"I was going to change, but then I didn't know what to change into since I don't know what we're doing" she propped up on the counter with her forearms.

"Uhh" I thought. "Wear something cute, but comfortable and casual, and shoes you don't mind walking a little in"

She gave me a careful expression before walking back to the bedroom. I needed to change, too. The day was hot and unloading everything into the car after shopping, and then unloading it up and bringing it into my flat made me a little sweaty.

While she changed, I took a brief shower and combed back my hair out of my face before walking into the bedroom with the towel around my waist.

"Don't mind me" I hummed, brushing past her and walking to my closet.

She gave me a little smile, which I could see from the corner of my eye, but I didn't say anything else as I pulled out a pair of light joggers and a tank top to wear.

Once we were both ready, we went out to my car and I made her wear a bandana over her eyes all the way to the field. So she didn't die of heat, I left the air conditioning running as I quickly got out and set everything up as quick as I could. When everything was finally ready, I went back to the car and opened up her door.

"You ready?" I asked, taking her hand to help her down out of her seat.

"Yes" she nodded. "I'm very curious on what kind of date you planned"

"It's intimate, private, and hopefully as romantic as it played out in my head" I chuckled, guiding her over to the small picnic blanket. Carefully, I helped her sit down, then took a seat next to her. "You ready to see?"

Excitedly, she nodded.

Reaching over, I pulled down on the tie of the blindfold, releasing it of the loose knot I had made. When her eyes were exposed, her gaze flickered around before a sweet smile appeared on her face.

"What do you think?" I pressed, praying in my head for approval that this date would be up to her standards.

I wasn't sure of what she was used to. I knew Jacob had a lot of money, and possibly could have taken her out on some super luxurious dates that would have made this look like a peasant's attempt as making a girl fall for him. But the happiness on her lips gave me hope.

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