Chapter 22

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Louis' POV-

I had to leave early the next morning when I woke up, since unfortunately, I had the early shift.

Cecilia was still asleep beside me, facing the other way and curled up into a tight little ball. I didn't want to wake her, so I quietly had gotten up, changed into clothes that fit the work dress code, and left a note for her in the kitchen that I was leaving, but to help herself to anything she could find to eat. There wasn't much there, which made me feel like I should probably go shopping at some point.

My work shift felt long as shit. I kept wondering what she was doing and if she was ok. The biggest fear in the back of my head was that Jacob was going to show up at my apartment and kill her. I didn't think she would be the one he was out to kill though. He liked her too much in a sickening sort of way-more like possession. I figured if anyone was going to be shot, it was me.

I tried to keep myself busy to pass the time. Luckily, the bar was fairly crowded today, so it helped the time go by quickly.

I was more than happy to see Nick come in to replace me. Quickly, I clocked out and removed my waist apron, hanging it on the peg inside the back kitchen. I pulled out my phone and texted Cecilia that I was on my way back, then went out to my car.

I connected my phone to my Blue Tooth and streamed Andy Black on Spotify before driving back.

When I pulled into the driveway of my apartment, I briskly gathered my things and climbed out of my car. As I headed toward the steps, I held my key over my shoulder, clicking the button to lock the vehicle behind me. 

It didn't take me long to reach the top of the stairs, as I took three steps at a time. I already had my keys out when I got to the door. I slid the silver key into the lock, and twisted it, pushing on the door as I did so.

As soon as the inside of my apartment was in view, the smell of cleaning solutions filled my nose making me stop short in my tracks. Everything was literally spotless. I had to take a second to make sure I was, in fact, in the right apartment, but that sofa was definitely mine...

Confused as all hell, I finally stepped in, bumping my door closed behind me with my hip. 

There was nothing on the floor that wasn't supposed to be there, and the coffee table was free from random cigarette ashes. Even the tv was dusted off...

I walked over to the counter separating the kitchen from the living area and set my keys on it. Peering over the counter, I could see that there were no longer dishes in the sink, nor dirt in all the corners of the floor. 

"Cecilia..?" I called, still looking around.

"I'm in your bedroom!" I heard her distant voice.

Pushing my hair back, I walked toward the tiny hallway toward my room. I paused when I reached the open door. Even my room was spotless-no clothes on the floor and no random papers and bags of stuff I had bought and never bothered to put away.

"How was work?" she smiled, sitting against the headboard of my neatly made bed.

"It was...good" I hesitated. "Uh, Cecilia?"

"Yeah?" her eyes sparkled.

"...This is my apartment, right..?"

"Do you like it?" she beamed, setting down the book she was reading.

"I haven't seen my apartment look like this since I moved in" I walked over to my closet and pulled open the doors. " even organized my closet"

"I organized everything" 

I flipped through my clothes and found a pair of shorts I could change into from my work clothes.

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