Chapter 30

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Louis' POV-

Work the next day was completely exhausting. Since it was a Saturday, I had to work with Taylor so we could have two bartenders on shift, and I literally had to listen to her rant about how she felt about this guy that had come in the previous day and tipped her $20 and said she was pretty. She was alright, but not $20 alright...not to be mean, or anything.

But when 4:00 hit, I wasn't complaining about clocking out and getting away from my boy crazy co-worker. I hadn't worked with her much before, but now I realized just how thankful I was for weekday shifts. 

She tried to stop me on my way out and asked me if I wanted to hang out, even after giving me details I really didn't want to know about the other guy, but I declined rather bluntly, and even slipped in that I had a girlfriend. And that in itself wasn't something I'd usually do. Typically, I liked the attention from girls, even if I was committed. Not in a serious way, but it was nice to be complimented.

I knew if she spread it around that I was officially in a relationship, even though it was true, I would get weird looks next time I came in. Everyone there knew I was kind of a lone wolf and had refused to commitment in the past. I'm pretty sure every single one of the girls there had tried to ask me out, but the only thing I had given them in return was a hook up at the most. But even that hadn't been in a long while. Lately, I'd just been too busy to think about that.

When I finally got home and walked into my apartment, I saw Cecilia sitting cross legged on the couch, her laptop propped lopsided on her thighs. I set my keys down on the counter where I always left them and went up behind her, wrapping my arms tightly over her shoulders.

"I'm home" I planted a kiss on her cheek.

She leaned her head back into my shoulder, smiling softly. "How was work?"

"A nightmare" I admitted, climbing over the back of the couch and dropping down next to her. "What are you up to?"

"I'm sending in job applications" she hummed, gesturing to the internet tab that had up.

"What places have you applied at?" I wondered.

"I applied at a few hospitals and office's for a desk job, as well as at the library" she laid her cheek on my bicep. "I thought about what you said about the food industry, and you were right"

"I'm glad you took my advice to heart" 

"I take everything you say to heart" she looked up at me.

"As you should, cause I say some pretty awesome things" I joked, kicking my non slip shoes off and sliding them under the table.

"You're such a dork" she rolled her eyes. 

"Haha" I stood back up. "Alright, I'm gonna run shower cause I've been on my feet all day and I know I don't smell to good right now"

"You mostly smell like cigarette smoke" she smirked.

"I'm not surprised" I shrugged. "I had two on the way home."

"Two?!" she cried.

"You know I smoke at least a pack a day?" I tilted my head.

"You need to stop, or you're gonna get cancer"

"I'm not too worried about it" I admitted. "Alright, I'll be 10 minutes tops. If you want to bring that into the bedroom you can"

"Will do" she gathered her laptop and charger together and followed me into our room.

I headed straight into the bathroom and turned on the water. While it heated up, I stripped off the clothes I had worn today, throwing them into the corner. Then I stuck my hand behind the curtain to feel if it was warm enough yet. When I saw that it was, I stepped in, closing the plastic shower curtain behind me.

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