Chapter 13

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Louis' POV-

Cecilia and I went down the elevator and back through the hotel lobby where we had checked in only moments before. The woman at the desk didn't look up as we strolled by in silence-me and Cecilia not speaking to each other.  

As we made our way out of the glass door, I couldn't help, but keep glancing over at the girl beside me. She was so beautiful, the way her hair swished behind her as she walked-her hands swinging at her sides subtly in a sort of rhythm. As soon as we were outside, the sun cast this amazing glow that seemed to make her skin enveloped in this gorgeous tan. She was looking down, but I could see the tiniest smile on her face. I didn't know the root of the flicker of happiness, but I was genuinely curious.

The mini golf course wasn't that far away-only a walk across the parking lot and past a strip that had a surf shop, ice cream parlor, and a ticket market for whale tours. The quietness remained between us, before I took her wrist and guided her to the outdoor counter of the mini golf hut.

"We're interested in one game of mini golf" I told the young man on duty.

"For two?" he asked.


"That's going to be $24" he turned around to get us each clubs and balls as I dug into the pocket of my basketball shorts for my wallet.

By the time he had turned back around, I had the cash laying on the counter for him.

Cecilia pulled her wrist away from me to take the clubs and balls. I forgot I was still hanging on to it, and not gonna lie, I did feel a little embarrassed, however I tried not to let it show. After the young man took my cash, he slid over a score card along with a little pencil.

"Are we keeping score?" Cecilia asked me.

I looked between her and the card before shaking my head and leaving it on the counter. I was pretty good at putt-putt, although I hadn't played in quite awhile since money was on the tighter side. Splurging on this trip, I knew, would make my account cry, but I needed this more than anything. I deserved a spree of spending...even if it ended up biting me in the butt later.

Cecilia walked behind me as we made our way to the first hole. It was pretty simple-just a straight green with a tiny hill in the middle.

"Have you played mini golf before?" I asked her as she handed me my club and ball.

"Yeah, I haven't done it since I was little" she set down her own ball and lined up her club. "How about you?"

"It's been a few years" I admitted, watching as she hit it. 

It rolled over the hill and just passed the hole.

"I miss playing it" she hummed as I set down my own ball.

"I do, too" I stared down at the hole, lining my club up to attempt a hole in one.

Gently, I swung for practice before hitting the ball down the short green. It was a little too hard and hit the guard, but ended up rolling back and right into the hole.

"Ayyye!" she grinned. "Good job!"

"Thanks" I chuckled, following her down to the other end so she could take her next swing. "Pure luck"

"You seem like the type to have a lot of good luck" she putted her ball right into the hole, then bent down to remove both of ours.

"You would be surprised" I laughed, walking with her to hole #2, just a few steps away.

Once again, she set her ball down. A look of focus fell over her face as she imitated what I had done, getting a feel for the swing. This hole had two hills. Not too complicated at all. Carefully, she hit the ball forcefully enough to make it over the two humps. It did the same thing-skimming the white plastic cup of the hole and barely not making it in.

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