Chapter 29

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Louis' POV-

The rest of our date consisted of relaxed conversations, which included some more cheesy get to know you questions. There were little things I hadn't known about her, and vice versa. After I had pulled away from the kiss because of my situation, I could tell she was trying to read me like a book, unknowing of what had actually happened.

It didn't make it awkward, or anything, but she was definitely slightly confused.

When we got back to my flat, it was already dark. The sun had long since set and I was starting to get a little tired. Also, my stomach and head were aching still from all the alcohol I had taken into my body the previous night.  I hadn't had a hangover in forever since my body was fairly used to drinking daily, but at least this miserable sickness wasn't too terrible. Nothing I couldn't handle.

After walking through the door, I set the picnic basket down on the tall counter and headed to my room. Cecilia was trailing close behind as I collapsed right onto my bed, bringing my fingers to my head and rubbing my temples.

"Are you ok?" she asked, sinking down next to me.

I nodded. "Just a little bit of a headache, that's all"

"From what?" she tilted her head.

"Drinking" I laughed a little. "It's not too bad, though. Not the worst hangover I've experienced"

"I'm sorry" she laid back beside me and put the back of her hand against my head. 

"I don't have a fever, Silly" I smirked.

"I didn't know" she rolled her eyes and moved her hand to my hair, raking it back. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Nah, it's fine, but thank you" I smiled.

Her fingers felt nice, moving through my brown locks and nails scratching against my scalp subtly. 

She looked so beautiful, gazing into my eyes. As usual, they were ever so slightly crossed, but yet sparkling in a way that looked like she held the stars in them. Her light brown hair was fanned out around her shoulders and her cheeks slightly pink from the natural flush. Her lips were minutely parted, like she wanted to say something that she wouldn't let herself. The little freckles on her nose were painted so perfectly and innocently.

I outstretched my hand and took one of the locks between my fingers. Slowly, I brought it to my face, inhaling the sweet scent of rose petals from the shampoo she used.

Her tiny dimples deepened as a little smile appeared on her face. "How are you so perfect?"

"I'm not perfect, Darling" I shook my head. "You've brought out sides of me I didn't know I had"

She propped up on her forearms, staring down at me a little puzzled. "What sides?"

"I didn't know I could care about someone like how I care for you" I breathed. "I didn't know these emotions were somehow there"

She didn't say anything, just kept gazing down at me.

I moved my hand up through the back of her head and gently pulled her head down to meet mine. I wanted to kiss her again, I needed to. It didn't matter what I felt inside of me, it wasn't something that I could help.

Before I even got to her lips, she was leaning down, too, ready to meet me in the middle.

Our faces melded together in what felt like slow motion. All these swirls of butterflies flew throughout my whole body, sending a tingling sensation up my spine. I pulled her harder against me, taking her bottom lip between my teeth and sucking on it gently. Her fingers gripped through my hair tightly, forcing her deeper onto me.

Without breaking the kiss, I took her hips and rolled her on top of me. I felt her body buckle a little, but I wasn't sure if it was out of fear or because she might have been getting turned on, as well.

I traced my fingers up her sides, then down her arms sweetly. Her soft arms were smooth under my fingertips. I don't know how even her skin was that perfect, but somehow it was.

She pulled away, breathing heavily as she held herself up over me. "You're a good kisser"

"That's surprising considering I haven't kissed someone in a long time" I chuckled. "But you're a good kisser, too"

"Thank you" she blushed.

"Cece" I paused. "I don't know what your relationship with Jacob was like, but...I just want you to know I'll  never force you to do anything you're not comfortable with. Whether you know it or not, he mistreated you, and I refuse to be like that. I know I'm not rich, and don't have much going for me, but I want to give you all I have-whether that means time or genuine affection. Not the kind that makes you feel guilted into doing something for me. I'll never make you feel like you have to do anything for me, like sexually. I want you to feel safe and content, and not like you owe me shit"

"That means more than you know" she said slowly. "Jacob used to make me feel like I had to do stuff with him when I wasn't in the mood"

"I figured" my eyes flickered to the side, secretly wishing I had just shot him while I had the chance.

Sure, that might sound dark, but I couldn't deny the truth. A part of me wanted to get back at him someway for hurting Cecilia-whether that be making his life a struggle, or just getting rid of him altogether. I probably would except that would mean terrible consequences for myself. I knew I could probably get away with murder, but I also didn't want to chance it.

"Speaking a sex" I looked back at her when she hadn't said anything. "I only want to do it when you know you're 100% ready for it. So just communicate so I know how you feel, ok?"

"Thank you" she nodded.

"Of course, Love" I moved her off of me before getting up from the bed. "Are you tired?"


"Alright, let's go ahead and get ready for bed, then"

I walked over to my dirty clothes hamper and pulled off my shirt. I knew she was on the other side of the room changing, but I didn't look over there for fear she would think I was trying to be a perv. After tossing my shirt in the basket, I peeled down my joggers and threw them on top of my shirt. Then I removed my socks before going over to the bed.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see her pulling on an oversized T-Shirt. It dropped just above her knees. She looked so cute in big clothes, maybe cause it made her look even tinier than she already was?

When she was done, she joined me in the bed, crawling under the covers and curling her arms around mine. I smiled down at her and pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead.

"Goodnight, Darling" I whispered as she moved her head to my chest.

"Goodnight, Lou" she squeezed my bicep.


It's officially your girl's 22nd Birthday =D

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