Chapter 16

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Louis' POV-

The next morning,  after a quick breakfast at the hotel, we agreed to check out some of the surf shops. Today was more chilly than the previous one, so both of us wore jackets. Maybe it looked dumb to be wearing long sleeve with shorts, but that's exactly what fit perfectly with the temperature. Maybe when the heat of the day hit, we could strip the extra layer.

"Which shop do you want to go into?" I asked her, taking a hit of my cigarette as we walked down the sandy sidewalk.

"I'm fine with any of them, I just promised Jacob I would buy him a shot glass"

"He doesn't seem like a souvenir shot glass kind of man" I hummed.

"He really wanted a hermit crab" she shrugged. "But I refuse to pick them up and I'm scared of them escaping, so I said 'no'"

I chuckled. "You're scared of hermit crabs?"

She nodded. 

"Well, I feel like he'd probably cut the legs off of one if you brought one to him" I joked, but she nodded again as if in agreement.

Maye she didn't hear what I said correctly?

"How about that one?" I pointed to the one next to the putt-putt course we had gone to.

"That one looks perfect" she agreed.

I glanced both ways at the minimal traffic to avoid getting run over and smooshed before walking next to her across the street. Before entering, I tossed the butt of my cigarette to the ground, crushing it with my foot. A weird scent hit my nose along with a rush of air conditioning as we stepped in. Along one of the walls hung bikinis, and on the other one were swim trousers. Hundreds of colorful garments hung on mannequins and hangers, including cheesy souvenir shirts and baja jackets.

"Do you see the shot glasses?" I craned my neck, looking around.

"There they are" she pointed forward.

"Alright, I'm going to look at the trousers while you find something for Jacob"

"OK" she gave me a little smile before walking away.

I went over to the wall of bikinis and swimming trunks. There were so many to choose from-all overpriced ridiculously. The men's swimwear was all boring-either neutral colored or something stupid like palm trees and marijuana leaves.

The girl's bathing suits however, were much more diverse. Sure they had solids, but they also had crazy patterns and designs that ranged from tankinis, halter straps, and even strapless. I smirked to myself, trying to envision Cecilia in a strapless bikini. There wasn't any doubt she was look absolutely stunning in it.

But: she had a boyfriend and I couldn't forget that. There were boundaries that must be kept and barriers that must not be crossed.

But still...

A buzz in my pocket caught me off guard, pulling me out of my thoughts. I slid my phone from my back pocket and glanced at the text notification.

HIDDEN SENDER ADRESS: If it's fucking you consider yourself gone

I frowned. What? What the fuck was that supposed to me? I tried to block the number, but it wouldn't let me because the text had come through from a censored number. I couldn't think about who it could possibly be...except the obvious. But that was rather threatening...and I wasn't particularly sure that Jacob really would be like that.

But I guess it all went back to his over protectiveness. I didn't really think much of it, instead, just shrugged it off and replaced the phone back to my shorts.

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