Chapter 10

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Cecilia's POV-

"What's going on in here?"

I nearly jumped out of my skin, whizzing around to see Jacob standing in the doorway of my bedroom. How he had managed to get inside my apartment without a key was beyond me. I didn't live in the best area-we were in a city, after all-so I was always intentional on keeping my doors locked whenever I was here by myself. But now I was second guessing my safety-not because of Jacob, but only because somehow he had gotten in.

"I'm...packing" my voice squeaked a little, so I cleared my throat. 

"Packing for what?" he asked me.

"I'm going to the beach with Ashley and Leah" I shrugged, turning back around to my bed to continue folding the clothes I was bringing.

"Which beach are you going to?" the tone of his voice sounded more than a little skeptical.

To be honest, I didn't know. And I knew there was no point in naming the first one that came to mind, since he always tracked my whereabouts.

"I'm not sure" I began organizing my clothes and bathing suit inside of my suitcase. "Leah mentioned it to me yesterday, and I didn't really have a chance to ask questions"

"I see" he walked over and sunk down on the bed beside my stack of clothes. "Do you want me to keep your apartment key and house sit?"

I shot him a weird look. "Don't you have your own place?"

And obviously you can get yourself in here regardless.

"Well, yeah, obviously, but I don't want someone breaking in while you're gone. I can just stick around and make sure that nothing bad happens"

"I guess" I reached over for my keys, unweaving my apartment key from the ring and handing it over to him.

"When are you leaving?" he wondered.

"Tomorrow morning" I replied.

"Well, shit, I'll be working" he mumbled.

"I'm sorry"

I felt bad lying to him and not telling him that I was going to the beach with another guy, but at the same time, it seemed like a nice idea to get away and let my brain refresh. For some reason Jacob had been really getting on my nerves recently, perhaps from his protective personality, and a break sounded like it could be just the medicine I needed before I came back and had to deal with it some more.

Do I think Jacob is the one? More than likely. He has seemingly been the only person that's been there for me through everything. His personality is just sometimes extremely exhausting to the point where I sometimes can't even hang out with my girl friends without feeling guilty about it.

"What time are you going to work?" I wondered, trying to figure out when I could call Louis and get an idea on our plan.

"Early" he raked his hands through his hair. "I'm going to stay at my house tonight, since I'm opening, so I won't see you until you get back, I guess"

"I guess so" I hummed, a little absentmindedly. 

"I can come along if you want?" he suggested. "I can take time off if I need to..."

"No!" I shot back, a little too quickly. "I, mean it's kind of a girls only trip, you know?"

"Someone is jealous of me seeing other girls in bikinis, huh?" he chuckled.

I rolled my eyes. "You know that's not it, I just want a break with the girls, you know? Like how you spend time with your guy friends"

"This is fair" he tiled his head to the side. "You should totally bring me back a hermit crab"

"That's out of the question" I giggled. "You know they freak me out"

"Maybe just a shot glass then" he compromised.


"Well" he stood up. "I should get home. It's pretty late. I just wanted to stop by and see how my girl was doing"

"Thank you" I smiled.

He leaned down and gave me a quick kiss. "Let me know if you need anything, or need me to come get you"

"I will" I promised.

"Good" he paused. "Have fun"


He gave me one last look before heading towards the door. Closely, I listened, awaiting to hear the front door close, and just to be safe, I continued to pack for about 15 more minutes before I finally grabbed my phone to call Louis.

He picked up on the second ring. "Cecilia!"

"Heyy!" I greeted.

"Did you get the all clear from your manz?"

"I did!" I exclaimed. "I ended up following your suggestion and telling him I'm going with the girls"

"I told you it would work" I could hear him smiling.

"Well it did!"

"What time do you want me to pick you up?" he questioned.

"Anytime is fine" I told him. "Did you want to leave in the morning?"

"Probably late morning" he said. "I'm exhausted out of my mind from work and will more than likely end up sleeping in"

"Well, Jacob will be at work, so you can call me whenever you're on the way" 

"Well, that worked out nicely" he chuckled. "Alright, will do. Are you all packed up?"

"I'm actually working on that right now" I said. "I'm mostly packed up, though. Just gotta get my toiletries, and stuff together"

"I have sunscreen, and stuff, so don't worry about that" he responded.

"Oh, ok, thanks!" I beamed. "Do you know where we're staying yet?"

"I booked a hotel on the beach" even his voice sounded tired. "That way we can just walk out whenever we want"

"That sounds amazing!" I was getting less nervous and even more excited about the trip. "Thank you again for letting me come"

"Of course, Love" he yawned. "Alright, I'm gonna crash, but I will see you tomorrow"

"For sure"

"Goodnight" he paused.

"Night" I smiled.

I heard him hang up and set my phone down on the bed before sinking down into the sheets. I know he was still pretty much a stranger, but for some reason, I felt like I could trust him. He made me feel safe, though he had done nothing for me except let me talk to him a little bit. I wasn't sure if I could trust him, or not, but I wanted to. I wanted to tell him about the protectiveness of my boyfriend and how it made me feel trapped sometimes. But then again, maybe somehow it would come back and bite me in the ass if I tried to vent to my new "friend."


I mentioned this in the a/n of my other stories, but I got my 12th tattoo. It was less than a week since I got the Louis one and 1D one. My fiancé wanted to get his first one of a ship on his arm, and I wanted a coordinating one. The original plan was to get a little lighthouse, but I, at the last minutes, decided to get a paper boat since he was getting a ship. I also got Always You tattooed under it in Louis' handwriting =) Picture is up on my Instagram.


I'm so sorry it's been a few days since I've uploaded. Things have been crazy, as usual. Plus I was uploading two other stories at the same time to the sequel could be out the same day as the story so I didn't want three different books uploaded in a day XD

But as promised, here it is!


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