Chapter 18

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Louis' POV-

I carried Cecilia back through the sand, all the way back to the hotel room. When we arrived at the door, I set her down, but let her lean on my shoulder while I swiped the lock with the key card. Then I helped her walk in and over to her bed.

When she sat down, she let out a little groan.

"Does it hurt a lot?" I asked.

She nodded.

I dropped down to the floor, crossing my legs. Then I took her right shoe in my hand and slid it off of her foot. She had on these cute little Baby Yoda socks. I couldn't help, but smile a little bit.

"Do you like Star Wars?" I wondered, peeling off the sock.

"Yeah" she smiled a little. "I love Star Wars"

"I do, too" I firmly held her foot and inspected the ankle area.

It looked like it had gotten slightly out of socket. Thankfully, it wasn't completely dislodged. Luckily, I actually knew how to replace it. But it would hurt.

"What's your favorite Star Wars movie?" I asked, studying the joint a little closer to make sure my assessment was correct.

I wouldn't want to accidentally dislocate it, if it was in fact, in place all along.

"The Rise of Skywalker" she leaned back on her elbows. "How about you?"

"The last Jedi" I grasped my hands just above her ankle and firmly held her foot with my other one. "Why do you like the Rise of Skywalker?"

"Cause Kylo Ren is" she made a chef's kiss. "And I liked the whole forbidden love stor-OW!" she sat up, glaring down at me. "What the actually fuck, Louis? Are you trying to break my freaking ankle?!"

" How does it feel now?" I grinned, staring into her eyes.

She fell silent, circling her foot around. "It feels sore, but...better."

"It was slightly dislocated" I stood up.

"How do you know?" she cast me a skeptical look.

"Because I watch a lot of tv" I chuckled, walking over to my own bed and grabbing some pillows. "You need to keep your foot raised, though. Go lay back and I'm going to put these under you foot"

She kept staring at me for a second, before crawling up to the head of the bed and laying down on the pillows. I walked over to where her legs were and stuffed the pillows just under her heels.

"Try to stay in that position through the night"

"How do you expect me to do that?" she frowned.

"You don't have to" I shrugged. "But it'll help ease the pain tomorrow"

Before she could answer, I turned around and went over to the mini fridge. I squatted down and removed a beer, then came back over to her and sat on her bed beside her.

"Excuse you?" she raised an eyebrow. "I'm not sharing a bed with you"

"I know" I pried the cap off with my teeth and set it on the nightstand beside us. "I'll go back over to mine. I thought we could watch a movie to take your mind off the ankle?"

She opened her mouth to speak, but shut it, sinking further down into the pillows. I picked up the remote and turned on the television.

"What do you want to watch?" I asked.

"Paranormal investigations" she shrugged.

I flipped through the channels until I arrived at one, then tossed the remote to the foot of the bed. Then I sat back and took a sip of my beer.

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