Chapter 8

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Cecilia's POV-

"I haven't seen you in a few days" I said as Jacob pushed passed me into my apartment.

"I've been busy" he looked around the room suspiciously, his arms hung loosely at his side in a casual way.

Although his body language looked so relaxed, his face expression held a certain expression that would put you on edge in a split second.

"Busy with what?" I raised an eyebrow, my heart racing inside of my chest and praying in my head he wouldn't find something like a hint of Louis' cologne on literally thin air.

"Work" he replied simply.

"Why do you need to work so hard" sighing, I shut the door and went over to the pink couch, sinking down into the fluffy cushion.

"I'm trying to make as much money as I possibly can" shaking his head, he went into the kitchen.

I propped my chin in my hands, watching as he opened the fridge and stared at the shelves. 

"You don't need to be trying to make more money than a 40 hour work week" I pointed out. "You're obviously making bank as is"

"Hey, where did my beer go?" he ignored my comment. "There used to be 16 in here, but there's only 15 now..."

"I had Leah and Ashley over last night, remember?" 

And Louis.

"I told you not to let them touch my fucking alcohol" his head shot back up.

"Sorry" I shrugged. "How did the game go?"

"We lost" he muttered, grabbing one of the beers and strolling back in.

He sank down beside me and grabbed the bottle opener that was sitting on my coffee table.

"When I looked up the scores, it said you won" I felt a little uneasy, suddenly wondering if he was in fact even at the game that day.

"The internet must be wrong then" he waved off. "It happens"

"The official website showed the same score, tho-"

"Are you calling me a fucking liar?" he snapped, popping off the bottle cap and taking 2 hard swigs of his drink.

"No, I-"

"Then don't ask questions" he popped me on the thigh. "You probably looked up the wrong fucking game"

It hurt a little, but he did this a lot. I guess I was kind of used to it by now.

"Sorry" I whispered, knowing there was nothing I could say.

I was officially defeated.

"What else did you do while I was gone?" he asked, his tone slightly softening.

"I just hung around here, mostly" I paused. "You have my location, you know this"

"I saw you went to a sports bar" he hummed, pretending to read the label on the Bud Light.

"My friend works there" I said simply. "I went there for food. You know I don't drink"

"And what is this friend's name?" he asked, his irises flicking up to meet mine.

I happened to remember the name of the girl that was replacing Louis at the bar and decided to throw her under the bus. "Taylor"

"Taylor" he repeated, looking back down. "Alright. I've never heard of this friend"

"You never ask me about my friends" I replied, looking away.

He was making me not only uncomfortable, but also cornered. I knew he was very protective, but whenever I tried to ask him a question, he'd shut me down. I didn't understand why he could be like that and I couldn't.

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