Chapter 41

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Louis' POV-

Let me explain the dynamic of my life. I know you got the idea of most of it, and I'm not about to repeat a bunch of shit you already know. My family life was complicated, but I appreciated it nonetheless. I got into plenty of trouble for sure, but nothing too serious.

You already know I became the busy play boy and lived for the alcohol, hookups, and parties, but I never cared for love. But when Cecilia came into my life, it changed me. She was the only girl I felt like I really did love. She changed me. She turned my views upside down and made me feel like I had something to look forward to. Hell, I wouldn't have gotten a matching tattoo if I thought otherwise.

I knew she was fresh out of a toxic relationship and time would have done well, and maybe I was too eager to jump in. I just couldn't have guessed where it would have ended up. Before I tell you what happened in the prison cell, I need to explain how I got there.

I got home from work after a night shift. I was already thinking about those Bud Lights I always kept in the refrigerator and could not wait to crack one open, maybe chill on the balcony, and star gaze with my girlfriend. She always seemed to make me feel calm after a long workday. 

I guess I should have noticed another car was parked in my complex, in the guest parking spot outside of my building, but the rush to get inside was quite the distraction.

After climbing the stairs and unlocking the door, I broke into a big smile as I stepped in to my apartment, but any happiness immediately ceased.

I froze.

There was Cecilia, sitting on the couch straight as a nail. In front of her stood Jacob, his lanky body in a slouch with his hands stuffed in his pockets.

What was I to think? She was cheating on me? No, she wasn't that type. And her boyfriend was some kind of killer. Why else would he be here other than to kill her or me?

"What the fuck is going on?" I demanded.

"It's not what it looks li-" Cecilia jumped up.

"Don't you fucking tell me it's not what it looks like!" I yelled. "You know he's dangerous, Cecilia, why would you let him in here?!"

"She didn't let me in" Jacob stepped in front of her, defensively. "I let myself in"

"OK, so you broke into my apartment, that doesn't make you look any better!" I shot back at him, ready to pull the gun out of the inside of my jacket if I needed to.

"I'm not here to hurt anybody" he went on calmly.

"That's some bullshit, if I ever heard it" I scowled deeper. "Leave. Right now. Or I'm going to call the cops"

"I was about to leave" he shrugged.

I held my glare as he began to walk towards me, and to the door. But he paused, glancing back at my girlfriend before looking into my eyes.

"She knows you killed Leah, by the way"

My eyes averted to Cecilia, a rush of nerves rushing into my veins. She wasn't supposed to know. She was never supposed to know that.

"Did you kill her?" she asked, hesitantly joining us.

"I..." I raked my hand through my hair, not wanting to lie to her, nor wanting to admit my crime.

"You did, didn't you?" she raised an eyebrow. 

My mouth was open, still not having any words.

"LOUIS!" she yelled, making me jump. "TELL ME YOU DID NOT KILL LEAH!"

"I promised I'd never lie to you" I whispered, hesitantly.

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