Chapter 39

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Cecilia's POV-

OK, so throughout the next week, I started regretting that I had second guessed Louis. I knew I would, too. The guilt had been so much to handle. Louis had literally gone way out of his way to be extra sweet this week, since he could tell I was feeling off. He'd made me dinner nearly every night, taken me shopping, and suggested that we take another beach trip soon.

What if he was doing it all for nothing?

But I made the decision that after my "date" with Jacob, I would never talk to him again. I could, yes, get that closure, and then find full security in the relationship that I was already in.

I found a day that I wasn't working and Louis was working, and set the time with my ex boyfriend. I didn't want to impress him too much, but I also wanted him to regret treating me like a total piece of shit-maybe change for whoever his next conquest was.

So I put on a chic black sweater, some black skinny jeans, and some boots that had a tiny heel on them. I also applied minimal makeup-enough that I would hide the bags under my eyes, but not too much that I'd look like a fucking Bratz doll.

Once ready, I headed over to our meeting spot-a coffee shop on the side of town opposite of the Outfield to avoid running into Louis. It was a place that was known for its old fashioned architecture, holding the original structures alive. It was a nice area to say the least, captivating you in its personal charm. I hadn't been here in quite a bit, so it was nice to have a change of scene from the run down modernized area I lived by.

When I got out of my car, I saw Jacob waiting for me outside the coffee shop, his back propped against the stone wall and his arms crossed. A cigarette hung loosely between his teeth, the smoke blowing in the chilly breeze.

When he spotted me, his face broke out into a smile and he removed the cigarette, tossing it to the pavement and walked over to me with his arms open. I didn't know we were going to exchange hugs, but whatever.

I mimicked the expression and walked into him, hesitantly wrapping my arms around his slim waist. The smell of tobacco and a strong cologne filled my lungs-a smell I was so familiar with that infiltrated my mind with memories.

"Hey, Cecilia" he softly ran his fingers down my back before letting me go.

"Hey" I gave him an awkward smile.

"How have you been?" his eyes gazed down at me in a kind way I hadn't seen since our relationship was new.

"Good, how about you?" I tilted my head.

"Just missing you and trying to stay busy" he chuckled, then nodded his head in gesture for me to follow him into the shop.

Like a gentleman, he held open the door, letting me enter before him. I lead the way up to the counter and gazed up at the menu.

"Welcome in!" one of the baristas came from the back room. "What can I get for you guys?"

I looked at Jacob, but he waved his hand telling me to go first.

"Can I get a pumpkin spice latte?" I asked sheepishly.

"Of course" he tapped the touch screen POS system, then looked at my ex. "And for you?"

"Just give me an iced green tea and a slice of raspberry cheesecake" he shrugged.

"Alright, that'll be $8.86"

I began to dig in my purse, but Jacob stepped in front of me and put a 10 on the counter. "Keep the change"

My mouth opened a little in surprise. Jacob never paid anything for me, aside from helping me with rent. But at the same time he was pretty much living there, too. Where was Jacob, and what did this man do with him?

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