Chapter 17

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Louis' POV-

The beach was much cooler once the afternoon heat faded into a gorgeous sunset. There was a drastic change in temperature from when the sun would beat down on you and fry your skin during the day, than when the moon was beginning to come out and a cool breeze brushed off the ocean. 

There were still beautiful colors in the sky as the sun was being whisked away behind the horizon, leaving behind a flawless painting of oranges and pinks that no artist or photograph could possibly capture as captivating as the scene was in person. 

Roughly, the waves came up, crashing against the shoreline and leaving behind thick layers of foam. That was the only noise that existed right now. You couldn't even hear our footsteps in the soft sand as we walked together down the beach.

Although we weren't talking yet, the silence wasn't awkward. The ocean made it's own music, to fill our lack of words.

Between my toes, the sand was cool. It sifted through my toes, bringing relief to my feet, which were swollen from the heat of the day. It was nice to finally have my Vans off my feet so they could have a breath of the fresh sea air.

Cecilia was walking next to me, her steps brisk to keep up with my long strides. I didn't think I was walking too fast, but maybe it was because she was probably only 5'3".

I glanced at her in the corner of my eyes and smiled softly. "Do you want me to slow down?"

She shook her head. "I can keep up. I'm a naturally fast walker, anyways"

"Are you?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, believe it or not" she looked up at me. 

"Watch your step" I gestured to the ground.

"I am, I saw a jellyfish washed up on the beach back there"

"They won't sting you if they're washed up" I told her.

"Actually, they sting for quite a while after they die" she retorted.

"Do they?" I crinkled my nose at this fact that was unknown to my brain.

She nodded. "Yep. The venom is still in their tentacles"

"I did not know that" I shrugged, stuffing my hands into my pockets. "I thought when they die, they die"

"I wish it worked that way" she giggled.

I smiled at the laugh. It was cute-a little squeaky and pitchy, but I loved it nonetheless.

"You have a cute laugh" I gazed across the water as the shades of pink grew darker, feeling a little strange about complimenting her.

Honestly, the words slipped out before I even knew it. Sometimes I just said what I was thinking. Hopefully this time it wouldn't come back and bite me in the ass.

"No I don't" she snickered.

"You really do, though" I hummed. "You should do it more often"

"What, laugh?"


"Maybe if you were funnier I would laugh more" she bumped her hip against mine, making me lose my balance a bit.

"I'm funny, and you know it" I rolled my eyes, playfully shoving her back.

"Is that what you think?" she pushed me.

"Darling" I stopped, making her also halt her footsteps.

Confused, she tilted her head at me.

"You're looking at the funniest man on earth" I grinned and grabbed her, picking her up and racing toward the water.

Immediately, she began laughing and screaming. "LOUIS! PUT ME DOWN! DON'T YOU DARE THROW ME IN"

I raced to the edge of the shoreline, stopping when I felt the water hit my ankles. Playfully, I pretended like I was going to toss her, but I didn't let her escape my arms. She let out a squeal in response, gripping onto my neck tightly.

"Tell me I'm the funniest man on earth, or you shall be shark food" I demanded jokingly.

"Fine, you're the funniest man on earth" she rolled her eyes, still giggling.

"Yeah, that's what I thought" I carefully set her back down, but she reached her hand into the water and splashed it up on me.

"What the fuck!?" I cried.

Laughing, she took off, racing down the beach.

"You are so dead!" I yelled, taking off after her.

"Am I, Louis Tomlinson?" she shouted over her shoulder.

She was faster than I expected, as if she was used to running. Her feet moved so effortlessly as she seemingly glided along the sand, like a ghost in the wind. I was already out of breath, but I didn't want to look weak and stop. I even tried to steady my breathing so I didn't look like I was dying behind her. 

But I was saved.

She literally tripped over her own feet and caught herself in the sand, her hair falling over her face.

I burst out laughing, catching up to her and dropping down beside her. "Are you ok?"

Giggling, she nodded, throwing her dirty blond hair back. "Yeah, I'm good"

"That was probably the most graceful tumble I have ever witnessed" I smirked, reaching forward and brushing the sand off of her arm.

"Graceful is for sure what I was going for" she replied, her face glowing.

I smirked. "I'm suffering from second hand embarrassment"

"Sure you are" she pulled the hair elastic off her wrist and quickly threw her hair up into a bun.

I stood up and outstretched my hand to help her up. She clasped onto it, but immediately let out a little groan.

"Are you alright?" the smile fled from my face.

"Yeah" she grunted. "I think I just twisted my ankle a little bit"

"Here" I turned around and squatted down a little. "You can ride on my back"

"Thank you" she grasped onto my shoulders and I firmly grasped her legs, hoisting her up onto me.

Her arms fell over my shoulders, locking together as I straightened up. "I'm sorry for laughing"

"No, it was hilarious, laugh all you want" she giggled.

"I'll check your ankle when we get back to the hotel" I assured her.

"You don't have to do that" she said.

I began striding back toward the direction we had come from. "I know. But I want to"


I'm sorry this is a shorter chapter =/ I really like making each one at least 2,000 words, but this one ended up being just over 1,000 instead. I suck, I know =,)

I got my If I Could Fly and Only the Brave tattoos redone today since the artist messed them up when I got them done a couple weeks ago. They had healed mostly for the most part, but I guess they weren't as healed as I thought because having the line work fixed on top of what was already there hurt like a total bitch.

Like tattoos just don't hurt at all for me, but I will unashamedly admit that having it redone when the ink was still fresh felt like I was being stung by hornets over and over. 

But I made it and the tattoos look better now instead of all wonky.


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