Chapter 34

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Cecilia's POV-

I took a deep breath as I stood outside the double glass doors of the library. The building wasn't small, but the nerves that were swimming inside of me made up for the size. I hadn't been to a job interview in forever, and I tended to be a little shy and awkward-especially when being asked questions on the spot that I wasn't expecting.

But I had to push back my fears. I had to be able to snag this job so I could pay my part of the rent.

Shaking my head, I pushed open the glass door and stepped in. The front desk was right inside of the entrance. Two older ladies both looked up, greeting me with tired smiles.

"Hello" I looked around, walking up to the desk and clutching my resume papers in my hand. "My name is Cecilia Holt. I'm here for a job interview"

The lady closest to me stood to her feet. "I'll run grab Marsha"

"Thank you, Ma'am"

She walked away, leaving in an awkward silence between the other woman an me. She gave me a look up and down and shook her head, then turned back to her computer and began typing. Why are there always grouchy old women at libraries? It makes no sense at all...

Trying to not look so awkward, I looked down at my resume. At the top, I had my contact information, and under held my minimal job experiences that only consisted one short food industry job. I had a few other things, like babysitting and volunteer work, as well, but none of it would make me appear as if I deserved to have a job at such a business like place.

It took a few minutes before the old woman returned, another elderly walking behind her.

"Hello, I'm Marsha" The woman who I assumed to be the manager outstretched her hand. "How are you doing, Miss Holt?"

"Fabulous" I beamed, shaking her frail, boney hand. "How about you?"

"Good, go ahead and follow me back to the office, and we can get started"

"Yes, ma'am" I followed her through the library, looking around as I did.

We passed the new releases shelf, as well as the Young Adult and children's area before we got to a single wooden door.

She pulled the knob down and held open the door, letting me walk ahead of her. Then she lead me down an open hallway into a small office room.

"Take a seat" she instructed, walking around the desk to her own swivel, leather chair.

I sunk down, my own chair being much less comfy since it was simply plastic.

"Do you have your resume with you?" she asked.

Nodding, I set my papers onto the desk, trying to keep my posture pristine, despite my habitual slouch.  She picked them up, adjusting her glasses on her face to view them better. I tried to read the expression on her face, which honestly didn't look too promising. In my lap, I twiddled my fingers, knowing she more than likely was just going to tell me to get lost.

"Hm" she hummed. "Cecilia, tell me, why do you think this job is for you?"

Shit, what do I say? I need the money desperately? I'm a broke ass bitch?

I drew it a breath before letting it blow through my lips as my heart began to race. " books. I've been reading pretty much since I was born, and I have never stopped. Everyday I just let myself get engulfed into another world that sucks me in, teleporting me to a life I always wanted that I never could have. I could be in outer space, or trapped on a fishing boat in the middle of the ocean. I could live in a castle, or in a barn. I could have my Prince Charming live next door. I could even be in a cooking competition. Whenever I read, I visualize and let myself be drawn in. It's my only escape. What better of a life would it be, then to get to work in a fortress of books, each one uniquely different and just anticipating an eager hand to open the cover and turn it's pages into a world of its own?"

In my lap, I crossed my fingers, hoping my acting was good. She stared at me for a second.

"What is your favorite book?"

Oh, gawd, no. I was not ready for this. I rarely ever read.

"I love...the Fault in Our Stars" I said slowly.

"And your favorite series?"

"Nancy Drew" 

I had remembered my mom had the whole set in her house, though I'd never so much as touched it. Thank you, Mother.

"Very good" she set down my paper. "Tell me, what do you believe are your biggest strengths and weaknesses?"

"Uhm, my strengths is probably my OCD. I love to keep things organized and visually appealing."

Now how about weaknesses? I've always been told at a job interview to finesse your weakness as your strength, so even your weakest points come across as a great attribute.

"My weakness is probably that I like to stay busy, like I like to always be doing something" I hesitated, trying to see if she saw through my artifice.

"And that's a bad thing?" she raised an eyebrow at me.


"I just don't do well when I'm bored" I replied quickly.

"I think that could come in handy" she looked back down at my resume. "What's an achievement that made you especially proud?"

"Graduating" I answered.

"That's definitely something to be proud of. Tell me a little bit more about yourself"

Now what do I say?

I took another deep breath. "I love to travel and learn new random facts. I studied interior design in college, and I would love to eventually get to the point where I can start my own business with that"

"I think that's an amazing goal" she sat forward. "Here's the thing, Cecilia. Although, I don't think you are qualified for this job, I'm willing to offer you something part-time, and then if it works out, we can hire you as a full-time. Would you be willing to accept that offer?"

"Yes, ma'am that sounds perfect" I agreed.

"Great. It's $10.50 an hour. I can get you started on your training tomorrow. I will email you the tax forms, alright?"

"Thank you so much" I smiled.

"You're very welcome, Miss Holt" she arose from the leather chair. "I will see you tomorrow, then. Please bring two forms of identification"

"I will" I also stood. "Thanks again"

"Uh huh" she walked over to the door and opened it for me, and I followed her back into the main part of the library.

Then I headed back out to my car. As soon as I was behind the closed door, I squealed. I couldn't believe I'd gotten hired on the spot, like that's literally never happened to me before! I couldn't wait to tell Louis, I knew he'd be happy for me.

Speaking of Louis, I remembered he was out drinking with Nick. He had told me I could stop by and grab a drink with them. Maybe I should take him up on that? After all, I wasn't sure I could wait a few more hours before telling him the good news.

Still smiling from ear to ear, I put the address of the bar into my GPS, then began to head over.

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