One Last Favor For Her

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If I could have a second chance with Loki, I wouldn't do it for him. I would do it for Frigga. She was a woman who had seen almost next to nothing but she had known everything about her sons . She had been a kind woman who had known better then to think of only gossip. She wanted to know the truth rather then lies.

Frigga was almost like my own mother. She was kind and gentle. Just like my son, Frey she was a great ruler, even though so many didnt see it. She was the queen who had saved my life from her death. Her grandson will do just the same, he is going to be the leader she was.

Holding Frey in my arms, gives me the same joy she had given me. From all of the unfortunate events lately, he is the one to calm me down. He might not know it, but he is so dear to me, just like Loki was once to me. He looks like him a bit, just by his jawline. But from the vison that I had seen,he is only to share his blue eyes. I don't know what he has from me yet.

I remember when I was starting to get my baby bump, I had gotten odd stares. No one was expecting me to be having a baby.  They thought I was too depressed to do such a thing.

Of course people muttered about me and wondered who the father was. At one point, people had thought that it was Thor's child since we were engaged. 

Thor had of course had denied it but word had still spread. Frigga and Odin had wanted awnsers to this rumor , so they had called me out of my chambers to see them.

I was so scared when it had happened. I known that I couldnt lie to them, after all they had done for me. They are my protectors as well , betraying them, would only lead to trouble. But I had pretend to hide my nervousness when I had came into the throne room.

Odin was on the throne, while Frigga had stood next to her husband. She had politely smiled, hiding her fear. She was scared for my sake .  Odin was emotionless as he had placed his hand up.

"Care to explain yourself?"

"I..I" I got lost in my own words. I didn't want to say anything wrong to him.

"You are pregnant, but with whose child?"  He had stood up and pointed at me stoumach.

"Odin.." Frigga had warned.

"ENOUGH WITH PROTECTING HER!" Odin had yelled at her. She had silenced herself. Her eyes were locked on me. "You had gotten a baby somewhere! Who was it? Thor? Frandall? "

I had shaken my head at them. Odin had began to step down each of the stairs as Frigga had began to chase after him. Her hand was on his arms as his voice had risen in anger even more.


I wasnt thinking clearly when I had said it, but I just did. I was scared to disipoint him. " Loki is the father"

"Loki is in prison, he cant be the father" Odin had pointed out. He thought that there was no way that he could be. But after staring at my serious face for a few moments, he had nodded slightly. " I see."

Frigga had walked to me and placed her arm around me. She known that I had broken a law, but she had understood that I loved her son that much. She had smiled at me and placed her hand on my stoumach.

"The child is going to be King " She had said to him.

"Not if Thor reveals his child with that mortal. "

"We both know thats never going to happen Odin. He wants his child isolated from all of this. Besides shes too different compared to us" Frigga had said.

Written In The Stars : Guardians Of The Galaxy/ Thor Crossover Book Three Of Marvel SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now