♪ 𝟏𝟑 ♪

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Bakugo tells me as he sits next to my legs, on the side of the bed.

He looks like he feels bad. I'm glad he actually feels sorry and all, but I hate seeing him sad or up over something.

"It's ok, you didn't mean to startle me." I tell him softly and he raises his head towards me.

I'm kind of concerned with how everyone else is reacting. I know there might be some judgemental eyes on me, and some rumours spread, so I'm worried.

I'm lucky that Bakugo doesn't care about something as shallow as how I look, and isn't ignorant enough to believe based off quirk and appearance someone is a villain.

That's something I really appreciate about him, he doesn't see me like everyone else. He still thinks I'm an idiot extra, but he doesn't judge me for stupid reasons.

"Is everyone... scared of me?" I ask a little sheepishly and quietly.

"No one is scared of you. They're mostly confused as shit as to what's going on." Bakugo briefly explains and I hum.

I wish I could explain everything simply, but it's hard. I have some reasons I don't want to share just yet with everyone, and I don't want to be judged for keeping my secrets. I pull my knees into my chest and I just don't know what to do honestly...

"Mineta is also spreading a rumour that we fucking made out, which is annoying as shit." He tells me and I nod.

I hated hearing that little pervert say something like that. Bakugo wouldn't make out with anyone in public, and we didn't make out.

I- Me and Bakugo, making out? Where the hell did that even come from? Probably that grape's gross imagination.

"Do you think people will hate me, because I've been lying?" I look up to him and he pauses before replying.

"No... no one could hate you. As much as people may see you as a villain, you don't play the villain." Bakugo tells me honestly and I realize how true his words are.

When he's calm, he's not that much of an asshole. Also the difference between his faces when he's angry and relaxed.

He looks handsome and sophisticated when his temper takes a vacation, like right now, and when he's angry he looks like he'll bite my hand off.

"You make more sense when you don't yell." I lightly joke and he scowls a little at me, before sighing.

"Don't act like you've never been one to yell idiot." He replies and I roll my eyes at him.

"I like the Bakugo who doesn't call me an idiot so much." I state and he looks at me with a smirk.

"He doesn't exist." Bakugo jokes a little and I giggle.

"Then who kissed my cheek yesterday?" I ask him with a cocky grin and I see him turn a little red.

"Ya know, I enjoy all sides of you, but I'm happy to know I'm one of the only people you don't look at with any sense of disgust." I tell him honestly and he looks at me surprised before turning his head back down.

"Don't act like it wasn't hard to tell. It's easy to read your expression, and whenever you're face to face to me, you never seem like you want to beat my face in." I explain to him and he hums lightly.

"I don't want to beat everyone's face in, I just see them as extras or rivals." Bakugo responds and I stare and wonder 'what am I then?'. I readjust into sitting on my knees.

"Then... what do you see when you look at me? What am I?" I ask him and he pauses and looks down at his fingers.

He fidgets with his fingers for a minute before thinking of an answer. I feel my heart beat increase waiting patiently for his answer.

"I don't know." He mutters out and I smile a little.

"Well, if I do the math correctly, I think you like me." I tease him and he looks at me with flushed cheeks and a slightly worried face.

"Shut up." Is all he says in response and I smile at his childishness.

"Hmm... how about make me." I threaten and he looks a little surprised before he puts a hand on the back of my neck and kisses me.

I return the kiss and wrap my arms around his neck, and I end up laying under him as he hovers over me. He doesn't stop and slips his tongue in. I allow him and slide my hands to his chest and grab at his shirt.

Bakugo pulls away and I try and catch my breath. I look up to him and he smirks at me causing me to blush. The cocky bastard.

"You seem quiet now." He coos at me and I roll my eyes at his stupid remark.

"Oh just shut up." I reply and he begins to kiss my neck, and my breath hitches at the contact.

"Why don't you make me?" He whispers right below my ear and I pull his face back into a deep kiss.

Oops... now Mineta's rumour is true... damn... Bakugo will kill him later anyways.

 Bakugo will kill him later anyways

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a/n: hi

anyways thanks for reading :)

~947 words~


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