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When the two arrived at the convenience store, Chaeyeon immediately chatted with Eunbi and gave her the go signal for the surprise they were planning for Y/N.

The 11 other girls were already in the rehearsal studio, looking at their laptop while observing Y/N's every move on the hidden camera that set up by their manager earlier.

"Unnie how many dumpling do we need to buy?" Y/n asking Chaeyeon.

"4 packs of dumpling is enough" Chaeyeon said as she place the 2 packs of Dumpling in their basket, while Y/N placing the other 2 packs of dumpling. "Ohh before I forgot, we also ran out of dried seaweeds in our dorm" She added.

"I noticed that they have a stock of dried seaweeds out there, lets go" Y/N said and she took the basket in Chaeyeon's hands. And they went there to brought some dried seaweeds. "Do we need to buy something else?" Y/N asking Chaeyeon again.

"I guess that's enough, why do you want to buy something?" Chaeyeon ask Y/N, then Y/N nod to her.

"I want to buy some ice cream" Y/N said as she craving for ice cream again.

"As always~" Chaeyeon said while giggling "Go, I'll just wait for you here" Chaeyeon said, then Y/N immediately went to Ice cream area.

Just a few minutes later, Y/N returned holding her favorite ice cream. They were about to go to the cashier area to pay for what they bought when someone called Chaeyeon's phone.

"You can go there first Y/N, I'll just answer this call" Chaeyeon said as she receive the go signal from the other members, then Y/N obey her.

As Chaeyeon walks out of the convenience store, she noticed their manager standing there waiting for her. And they went to the rehearsal studio together leaving Y/N at the convenience store without her knowing.

"Welcome back Chaeyeon!" Yena greet Chaeyeon as she open the door for her.

"Everything goes fine according to our plan" Hyewon said as they watch Y/N at the convenience store.

"The way you said that unnie, it's sounds like your villian in some movie" Yujin said while laughing.

"Just shut up you stinky pup" Hyewon fight back at her, then the others just laugh at them.

"I hope this hidden camera prank will work" Hitomi said as she saw the innocent Y/N in the screen, who have no idea what was going on.

"Let's see" Eunbi said, as they continue to watch Y/N ​​on their laptop screen.

•••••>BACK AT Y/N<••••

While Y/N waiting for Chaeyeon in the chasier queue, she noticed a blind girl in front of her who was at the same age as her.

"Uhmm excuse me, do you need some help?" Y/N asking the girl in front of her.

"Yes please" The girl said, Then Y/N assisted her in lifting the ramyeon boxes she was holding then placed it on the counter sides.

"Thank you" The girl bowed at her.

"No problem" Y/N said smiling at her. Then the cashier grab the boxes of ramyeon and scan the bar code.

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