speak peak for the next chapter

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Stefan sped to the Salvatore Boarding house with Elena tuck gently against his chest. Who were those people? Why was Elena not breathing? What did they do to her? Was she dead?

His minds was running a mile a minute, trying to make sense of the scene he had come across.

What happened before he had intervened?

While he was panicked and frazzled, fake Elena was greeting a God.

With the Potter's killer
I'm just kidding!
With God

Fake Elena was not surprised to see herself in a veil of grey, but she was surprised to see a figure in front of her. It was tall, towering over her by at least a foot, cloaked in a black mist. It was facing her, but she could not make out a face. "Nana Everflow, you are here again." The figure spoke, it had a gravelly tone, rasping it's words.

A shiver traveled down Nana's spine, she had been there before? "Yes, when you first died. I granted you a wish seeing as you had been killed before your time. That was particularly my fault, but let's forget the small details!" The voice hurriedly shouted, it was nervous.

A black fog spiraled out of the figure, it morphed into a woman. Not knowing the persons pronouns, Nana took to referring to the person as they/them.

They walked closer to her, moving around the void swiftly. How they did that, Nana had no clue. There was no floor as far as she was concerned, just an empty grey space.

How peculiar.

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